No eggs....Are my hens too old?

@minnehahaactually the ones implying are laying pretty close to everyday. And yesterday I got 5 from our newbies and 4 from my older girls. Today I got 6 from the newbies and 4 from the oldies. Lol they talk and chatter back and forth. And are so happy to see me. I know you miss the red stars but they have helped heal my heart from the dog incidents. Thank you for sharing them. The wyandottes crack me up. I laughed pretty hard on Sunday. The one was in and out of every box before she decided which she wanted to actually lay in. And the goats just run around and play like dogs.
@minnehaha actually the ones implying are laying pretty close to everyday. And yesterday I got 5 from our newbies and 4 from my older girls. Today I got 6 from the newbies and 4 from the oldies. Lol they talk and chatter back and forth. And are so happy to see me. I know you miss the red stars but they have helped heal my heart from the dog incidents. Thank you for sharing them. The wyandottes crack me up. I laughed pretty hard on Sunday. The one was in and out of every box before she decided which she wanted to actually lay in. And the goats just run around and play like dogs.
It warms my heart and heals me that my (your) girls are happy! I miss them so bad (especially the Red Stars), but, I needed to downside and am so thankful that you answered my ad. And the fact that they are still laying after a big move shows me they are happy. Remember the ad picture where they are all at the fence for the picture? Yep, they love to greet/follow people and are hoping for tasty treats of course....

SLW's ~they are so goofy and funny.....decisions decisions....

Thank you for the update Kendrain, I really needed it.

Goats-Dogs with hooves.......I've had goats, and as you know, if you have/own goats, you have some ridiculous unbelievable goat stories to tell!!!

Now, I wonder what your new girls are saying to your home girls? Do we really want to know??? Are they insulting each other politely? Or are they greeting each other kindly? I guess we shall see when the merge takes place....

How long ago did the flock suffer the last dog attack? I've read that trauma such as a predator attack can also put them off of laying.
The last dog incident was in September. My home girls have been flighty and not as friendly as before due to this. Except my buff Orpington she was one of my original chickens. But I plan on spending more time out there and maybe they will relax seeing the newbies so friendly. :)
My girls are also on a huge break. I think it may have to do with the amount of daylight. Did you do anything different before your girls started laying again? I have 2 that are laying but my other 4...notta which is unusual for them.
My girls were attacked by dogs in late October and still show signs of PTSD. 4 out of 6 have laid just briefly before Christmas then nothing since. I'm hoping spring will help them feel more like laying.
I understand completely. I got my first original 13 in April of 2013. They neighbors dog had been ongoing problem until this last September. I have lost so many and added some more and lost and gained. So glad that dog is finally gone. And now I added 9 more to my other 9. It's been a long haul but now I finally feel like it's going to work out.:)

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