No eggs at all! Ugh!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 18, 2013
New Hampshire
Hello everyone.
I am frustrated, I went from nearly 9 eggs a day to ZERO for about the past month. I have 1 year and a half old Rhode Island Red hen who is molting so I don't expect eggs from her and I have about 9 Golden Comets who are roughly 22months (i was told when i bought them they were 18months) who are not laying at all anymore. Any ideas? Do you think they might be older? Anyway to really tell? Everyone gets the same feed as when they were laying, we do have a new coop but they used it before they stopped laying. I know its cold but i thought the golden comets were good layers even in fridgid temps.
I will try adding a light. I don't think anything has happened that stressed them, we did get a few new turkeys but everyone coexists with no issues. I'll post some photos


My molting Rhode Island, Scarlett.


The golden comet hens I don't think appear to be molting


Another Golden Comet
Ignore the buff orps and the mixed black/white chickens they aren't old enough yet to lay.

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