No Eggs, can't tell why!


In the Brooder
Dec 19, 2018
Central Florida
I have 4 hens, all 10 months old to the day. I'm on day 4 of no eggs (I was getting 4-6 a day since they started laying). No roosters.

  • No predators or signs of entry into or out of the coop/run (fully enclosed).
  • All hens alert, active, eating and drinking.
  • No other signs of illness.
  • No dietary or flock changes.
  • No shell debris inside coop or run.
  • One hen may be broody, but others show no signs.
Any thoughts are much appreciated!!!
What breeds are they?
A lot once it starts cooling down a bit which doubt that in your instance take a break during cooler or winter months.

They may be going through a soft molt, do you see more feathers laying around?

Though a predator may not have been in it could have been close enough for them to hear and stress them out.

If you have one going broody that could have them upset as they can be bullying the others. if you think she is going broody, would either break her if you don't want chicks or invest in finding some local fertilized eggs for her to sit on and keep her partitioned off so they can see each other but not touch each other.
local is always better for hatching, and sometimes you find a nice local that will give ya a few fertilized eggs
What breeds are they?
A lot once it starts cooling down a bit which doubt that in your instance take a break during cooler or winter months.

They may be going through a soft molt, do you see more feathers laying around?

Though a predator may not have been in it could have been close enough for them to hear and stress them out.

If you have one going broody that could have them upset as they can be bullying the others. if you think she is going broody, would either break her if you don't want chicks or invest in finding some local fertilized eggs for her to sit on and keep her partitioned off so they can see each other but not touch each other.
local is always better for hatching, and sometimes you find a nice local that will give ya a few fertilized eggs

Cool isn't the issue here. I'm not looking for chicks either, so I'll focus on the broody one. I've got 4 different breeds: blue Andalusian, Easter egger, golden laced Wyandotte, and my broody one the barred rock. I will update with any changes.
It's probably seasonal. Fall begins molt season so their bodies concentrate on growing new feathers instead of egg production. Keep an eye out for any signs of illness but be aware, it happens. They pick up again in the spring. They may lay the occasional egg during winter.
It's probably seasonal. Fall begins molt season so their bodies concentrate on growing new feathers instead of egg production. Keep an eye out for any signs of illness but be aware, it happens. They pick up again in the spring. They may lay the occasional egg during winter.

No extra feathers lying around yet and the Florida weather still feels like summer. I thought they were too young for a first molt (15-18 months, then annual). But with nature, there's no "hard" rules I guess! Thank you for your insight!
Oops posted that just as you responded. Lol

Yes, young ones may molt so little it's not even noticable which will effect egg production regardless of molt intensity. . But do keep an eye out in case it's something else.
Some younger birds will molt, or partially molt, their first fall...
...and some will not lay as well once the days get shorter(nothing to do with temps).
These two things do not always go together, but are mostly coincidental.

The broody might have something to do with it.
It changes, and can stress, the flock dynamic.
What are your plans for the broody?

How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help immensely.
Do you free range?

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