No eggs from my ducks .


5 Years
Jan 7, 2015
I have 3 Khaki, 4 Welshes and 5 Ankona Hens. They all are about 8m old. They started laying eggs 1.5m ago. Every morning I would get 7-8 eggs. Then it dropped to 3-4 eggs every other day. Then, just only 1 egg a day. Lately, no eggs at all. What could keep them not laying eggs? Winter? They are on a high protein diet and they are free ranged. Any ideas?
Is there any indication of when they wil stop laying? Do they tend to lay more at once and then slow down? My ancona has been so unpredictable lately. I usually get an egg every morning but lately if I go in the coop in the afternoon, there is another soft shell egg. Not sure why. Thought maybe she would be slowing down soon with it being 10 degrees here and she is not going out much.

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