No Eggs??


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Hey! I have 1 brown hubbard and 2 pearl Leghorns. I bought them Sunday april 14 and it almost sunday again. I got my first egg Tuesday and another egg on Wednesday but I have not had a egg since. There is no signs of a egg eater, I feed the Dumor layers pellets 2 times a day they get fresh water every morning. They have plenty of space to roam in their run, its a 10X10 I have a tarp on the north and west side because the wind is awful here. Please help me figure out why I have no eggs. thank you
Greetings again, Clifford, and
! Great to have you aboard. I think the delay in laying is due more to their relocation than anything else. Give them a little more time. Good luck to you!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Corn is high in calories and unbalanced nutritionally. It should be limited to only a small part of the diet. I agree with Redsox about your birds maybe just needing some time to adjust.
I was out by the coop planting corn and one of my chickens started making a sound over and over and I went to look for predator and found a egg!!!!!!!!!
Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC

Is it possible to give your hens free access to all the layer feed they want? Like in a hanging feeder ? I find mine lay better with free choice of their feed if they are not allowed to free range for grass and bugs and such.

Hope they start laying everyday for you. Good luck
Welcome! I had the same issue. We took 4 chickens and all stopped laying for a few weeks. We now have 2 or 3 laying. Someone suggested putting a few tablespoons apple cider vinegar in their water, and after I did that I got my first egg, and from what I understand it is generally good for their overall health. 1muttsfan is right about the corn. We didn't have enough room to hang a feeder inside the coop so my husband got one of those long feeders with the holes in it and put two hole in the back of it and put it on hooks mounted to the wall of the inside of the coop. Saved space and allowed them to eat all day and night. And maybe try to find them a more nutritous scratch. Good Luck!!!

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