No emergency yet: Lethargic pullet


Aug 1, 2021
Pullet is 12 weeks of age. She has been happy, healthy, exploratory, and in good shape up until this morning. I woke up and she was lethargic, doesn't want to go outside and go foraging or hang out with her friends, isn't really into running around, let me pick her up with almost no fuss (which is nearly unheard of), and isn't talking at all. Her wings are very slightly droopy and she seems a little hunched.

She is eating in the coop, but seems happy to be in there by herself. She's got runny brown-yellow poo, but IDK if it's too frequent or not yet. It's early morning here.

In honesty, I'd suspect coccidiosis, but a) she's vaccinated and b) one of her flockmates had it at 2-3 weeks old and everyone got the treatment which ended about 8 weeks ago, including her.

Two major things happened yesterday: I took the baby brooder out of the coop that they used to hide under when the bigs got aggressive. It was a bit of a rough morning for the littles, but no blood. Just lots of pecking order hassling. Secondly, it got down to 47F degrees last night and she's never seen cold like this before.

Any thoughts?
If you haven't done a full, thorough inspection of her, I suggest you do so. Other than that, sometimes they huddle into themselves on cold mornings but if she isn't going out and about like a normal chicken after an hour or two, then you can worry. If she is bottom of the pecking order and pecked a lot by the other girls, then she could just be hunkering down to hide from them. (In that case, maybe try moving her somewhere else farther away from the others and see if she improves).
She doesn't have any physical issues. She just sat on my shoulder for a bit, and then went outside with her friends, but is still moving slowly. I'm leaning toward a bit of a rough morning, wanted her breakky, and is cold. She's also in her baby molt (it's not bad though, just a little rough looking) so maybe that's getting her down too?
That's pretty much where I ended up too. There is nothing obvious to treat, so I have to wait a bit and watch closely to see if something identifiable develops. Thank you!!
Can you take a clear video of this bird and upload it to YouTube?
I would treat them all with Corid for possible coccidiosis. You said they were vaccinated, but treated at 3 weeks old. Corid will undo the vaccine benefits, so she may have it. Symptoms of coccidiosis are lethargy, runny droppings, and being puffed up or hunched, as well as not eating. I would use the maximum treatment dosage of 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder, per gallon for 5-7 days. I would give her some undiluted Corid directly into her beak 1/2 ml today. Then give some probiotics and vitamins for a few days after. Corid is safe, even if that is not her main problem. On Monday, if she is still ill, take some droppings into your vet for a fecal float.
She was eating well, as I noted. She's fine now. Out chickening happily with her friends in the sun. I guess she just had a bad morning and wasn't used to the cold. We'll see. There are no chicken vets here.

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