"no guarantee" in hatching eggs does NOT include infertile eggs!!!!!!

There are small white dots, yes but no bulls eye. I cracked one of my own to compare and I do see the difference. the bulls eye is in none of them. imma see if I can get a better shot.

this is terrible quality, I know. But can anyone see the details? Can anyone verify?

If any of those were fertile you sure as the heck just lost every single one. I would never do that. In fact we lost 3 eggs last year that broke out of a pack of 48 from a hatchery they didn't look fertile so I cracked each pone open on purpose. Lost all $150 and lost about 10 babies. If you cracked them open and expect to get cash back through e-bay think again.
Looking at the pic, I see the small white circles in a couple of the yolks. That generally is a guide to fertile eggs. Do they all have them?

I also saw 2 that looked to be fertile which tells me she just lost perfectly good chicks. Such a shame to lose eggs. I lost 10 last year thinking all were infertile, and I swore I would never do that again ever.
In the newer pic, I don't see them. If they were incubated for ten days, before I can comment further I would have to ask about your incubator... The temperature it was set at, forced air or Still air? Hand turned or automatic turner? Did you calibrate your thermometer first? All these things could also play a role...
If they suspected infertility and cracked them open to prove they weren't fertile by showing the bullseye is not present they most certainly have a leg to stand on if in fact a large amount weren't fertile. I would consider 1 or 2 possibly 3 out of a dozen being infertile to be acceptable as it isn't a guarantee but when there are 6 or 7 of a dozen which are infertile something is wrong. It may be the seller doesn't know of the problem maybe they need a new rooster or don't have enough roosters for their amount of hens. I would tell them they have an issue with infertile eggs and see what their response is. If they don't reply or are nasty about it then report them to eBay.
The seller is advertising and selling fertile eggs. They have a responsibility to do all they can to ensure at least a majority of these eggs are in fact fertile otherwise what is stopping unscrupulous individuals from selling eating eggs that they know are infertile as hatching eggs for high dollar amount then when none hatch just saying "oh well that happens with shipped eggs sometimes".
I know this is not a scammer seller because I also have other eggs of hers in the incubator of a different purchase and they are fine. It's a different color bird. I think she is just not checking this color.

I guess ill just tell the seller what I did as far as the video and pictures for proof and for her to check her eggs then see what response I get. If my buyer did that, I would for sure make it right. So we shall see. I just want enough people to agree with these eggs being infertile but really, its easy to see the difference.
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and response to the incubator question, I have been hatching eggs since January so this is not the issue. This clutch was not the only nor the first.

I did video the eggs from showing the breeders marks to me cracking them and then many pictures.
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Ok, in that case, I'm with you on this one :) the eggs in the clear photo definitely did not look fertile
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