I was looking at my BR chicks, Kate. As you know, 9 are from your batch and 2 are from mine, one being Lexie's odd one and one being Mandy's. Of your 9, it appears that 4 are pullets. My two are both boys. So, of 11 BRs, I have 4 girls and 7 boys, unless one of the boys is a pullet in disguise, but I doubt it. Four more BR pullets are fantastic, but now I have to find homes for all those boys. They'll be very handsome, though! Even the odd boy from Lexie should be very handsome, just not quite the norm.
I can't be 100% sure, but going on the egg he came from, the size and shape of it, he is most likely Lexie's baby, although an extremely odd one. Guess the genes got a tad confused and crosseyed when they were doing the barring, LOL. Still, I keep seeing him as a tiny chick with the SLW markings...who knows? I'll try to get an updated pic of him today.
Yeah, my chicks don't lie about you can tell by color really early on with mine.

Like I said - since the bator is already fired up...send me some of those Orps and we'll see if you don't get that evasive splash pullet :)
I wish I could eke out any from my customer orders, Kate! I'm booked and can't spare any or I'll short them. Such a catch-22! Need more pullets, cant gather any eggs to hatch any, but when I manage to get any, I can't hatch any pullets, while my customers are hatching all my pullets!
I appreciate the offer, though.
Yikes, 5! Well I guess you will just have to hatch more.
Cyn if you want my eggs that is fine. I can get some from you later! Really, just let me know because I have some coming from Julie as well
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No way, Adam! You've been on this list for these eggs for months and I'm not going to take them away from you, period. You're getting the few I can get for you this week and a BR or two thrown in, too, probably. BTW, Velvet did it again. She laid her egg on the floor in the shavings, then got up into the nest and sat for 30 minutes! I think she was dropped on her head as a chick.
Sometimes I wonder why they do what they do. Today Dolly my polish was so loud. I have never heard her make a peep then she laid a giant egg! it was her first that I am aware of but who knows.

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