No looking back now!!!


7 Years
Jan 27, 2012
Hamilton, Texas
Signed up awhile back, thought i would take the time to update my profile and get a little more involved. I have increased my flock with several different bantam breeds and have only lost 1 out of the original 24 i purchased. My only hen to survive last years hatch, then proceeded to hatch out 5 of her own chicks!!! So now i have chickens running around all over the place!!! My original hen has already started laying again, so i think I have my hands full!!! Just wanted to say hello and that i have learned a great deal from this site already and look forward to more!!!
Well even if you've been here for a bit, welcome, WildWorks! Sounds like you're having some fun. I've got a broody hen setting on some eggs right now, and I think she's got less than a week before they hatch. I'm excited!
Hello and :welcome

Congrats with your hatch, sounds like a great achievement. :D
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :frow

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