No, No, say it ain't so! Is My Louise a Louie?

Maybe it's a new & improved kind of chicken with the best features of both, the front end is a rooster who replaces your alarm clock and the back end lays eggs for your breakfast!
The verdict is in - roo. Got a full blown attempt at a crow the other morning. A local chicken farmer took him and I replaced him with a Barred Rock pullet, which I LOVE! Never knew a chicken could be so docile. Thanks again for all your help and feedback. As I've learned this is not an exact science by any means as the jury was split right down the middle, including the breeder it came from!
You know, I was still leaning toward pullet up until the final post! That tail area just doesn't look like the angle of a roo, and I've had plenty of birds with that much wattle and comb at 12 weeks. It's so hard to see whether there were any skinny feathers at the saddle, with the pure white.

Barred Rocks are absolutely lap dogs- I agree.
Yay, I'm glad this story has a happy ending! Well, I'm sorry your Louise turned out to be Louie and you had to rehome him, but you made an exceptional trade! Many folks have to settle with giving away their roos with nothing given in return. I too love Barred Rocks, they're my favorite breed. What will you name her? How does Thelma get along with her?

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