No, not dead...


Aug 1, 2020
Just soakin' up the rays!


What, me?

We have a quail with a kink in its neck called Richard, I did not expect her to live very long she is mostly white. My mother called me one day and told me she saw a died white quail (I thought probably Richard) in the corner of one of the quail pens. My mother said the quail was on its side eyes open, wings stretched out, another quail stood on the dead quail and kicked it hard enough to move it a bit, when it got kicked there was no eye movement, no twitching nothing. So she thought it was dead. I went to go sort it out look in to the quail pen and Richard was walking about! so was the only other white quail. Richard was fine just sleeping
We have a quail with a kink in its neck called Richard, I did not expect her to live very long she is mostly white. My mother called me one day and told me she saw a died white quail (I thought probably Richard) in the corner of one of the quail pens. My mother said the quail was on its side eyes open, wings stretched out, another quail stood on the dead quail and kicked it hard enough to move it a bit, when it got kicked there was no eye movement, no twitching nothing. So she thought it was dead. I went to go sort it out look in to the quail pen and Richard was walking about! so was the only other white quail. Richard was fine just sleeping
What a great story! I'm laughing at the image of another quail standing on Richard and kicking her, yet she still didn't move!

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