No prizes for guessing who just started laying!

My magpie started laying at just about 5 months. My Khaki's aren't due to start until November at least....or I am hoping. If they start in November at all. I got pretty impatient waiting for that first egg too. How old are your ducks?
A little over 5 months. I know I have a month or so to go, but I haven't seen or tried a duck egg. Maybe I should just go buy some, but I'm afraid I'd be tempted to stick them under my broody silkie pile instead of eating them, lol.
Wow. That does look like a fossilized egg! Never hear of "cayuga" before. Had to Google them. Nice. If we had a pond, might be tempted, but my hubby may not be happy about that! LOL
16 weeks - Wow!

Add Cayuga to a growing do you add ducks without the spouse noticing and without needing a bigger duck house???? LOL

Duck house 1 was built for four house 2 for three drakes. Can't get anymore drakes - should get rid of some (love my drakes even if they are nasty). Only leaves room for one more hen.....decisions, decisions.....Cayuga, Rouen, Harlequin, Ancona....and most breeders won't ship just one duck!

Ducks were purchased to furnish eggs for only a two person household. And we don't really eat a lot of eggs....

Have a dream duck house/enclosure in my head....need to start putting it on paper....have a thing about having a green growing roof on top.....husband just gives me a look when I mention "new" duck house.
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You don't need to put your mouth on the egg. Just use a straw, it works even better than blowing directly on the egg with your mouth.

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