no quack?


7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
i have 2 ducks, an indian runner and a crested duck..
the crested duck he quacks alot.. but the past few days the indian runner hasnt been, you see his bill moving like he is trying to but no sound comes out. is this normal or do i need to have him checked? he quacked at one time. but it seems to come and go.. like the 100plus degree weather oklahoma has had is making him too dry to quack. i keep them plenty of fresh water to drink besides the pond they have.. its only them 2 next to the chicken pen.. any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Well, the characteristic "quack" of a duck is usually the female duck's quack. Drakes make a quieter quack or sometimes, no quack at all. How old is this duck? Is it possible that he just matured and has now stopped quacking because of that?
I am having the exact same problem! A few days ago I went out and my welsh Harlequin ducklett seemed to be gasping for breath, breathing through her mouth and unable to quack! I can _see_ anything in her mouth or throat (tho it's hard to hold a duck and look down their gullet at the same time!) and massaged her neck, didn't feel anything. Have no clue what is going on.

I think she swallowed something that is partly blocking her air way OR she ate a yellow jacket and it stung her inside, but you would think after 4 days or so it would be getting better. She is still eating & drinking, just not with the gusto of the rest and her breathing is still very labored.
I got them both a year ago at the end of sept, could he be a male and the other one who quacks all the time be the female? These are my first ducks i have ever had as pets
with me its definatly a female that has lost her quack. Today she is able to make sqwaking noises, but her breathing is still labored. I have a WH drakeling the same age, 3 mixed duckings the same age and 11 Muscovies a little older than these. No one else is having this problem.

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