No shell on eggs


15 Years
Apr 13, 2009
I have one hen that has started laying shell-less eggs. This is day 5 or 6. They have plenty of calcium, good feed, pasture-range all afternoon. Any thoughts or suggestions? My hens are all 2 y.o.
I recommend you add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) per gallon of water so that they can drink it. ACV helps absorb calcium in their system. You can also provide them with crushed oyster shell, free choice, if you havnt already done so.
I'll try to ACV. They already have the oyster shell, which is why I'm so puzzled. I have a Silkie with a shell problem, too, except hers crushes easily. I can't help wonder if it has anything to do with the GM corn and soy in the feed they've been getting lately. Abortions in mammals, why not shell problems in poultry?

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