No substitute for a Good Dog

I'm awfully sorry for your losses and all the rough times you're going through...:aww Since we became dogless a few months ago, we've had so many predators make first-time appearances in our yard...coyote (why do they so often get the very bird we're especially fond of?), hawk...I just really feel for you and hope things look up for you soon. Hang in there!
Thanks, I can't believe how depressed I have become. I think I buried it all untill today. I have been weepy and didn't get anything done at all. I keep reminding myself, my husband and children are all healthy but we treat our pets like family too.
So sorry for your Herbie, I lost my Bailey last year, we had the same type of relationship you had
with Herbie. I feel your pain, my boy took a piece of my heart with him. Lots of love and
healing hugs to you and your family at this time. Hoping you find your Male dane too, it gives me hope that
you havent found him , he may have just ran scared and will turn up.

Take care,

Thanks again.
Thanks, I can't believe how depressed I have become. I think I buried it all untill today. I have been weepy and didn't get anything done at all. I keep reminding myself, my husband and children are all healthy but we treat our pets like family too.

It's important to respect your need to grieve, as this is a lot of loss to deal with...later comes healing, maybe bit by bit (maybe after a little healthy anger at the conniving coyotes - and please, let's not go into the "They're just doing their natural thing" right now)...a very special dog like Herbie is such a gift, and a true part of the family. Just don't feel like a wimp if it takes a while.........we're all pulling for you!
My condolences. Many have had terrible battles this past summer. Sad that you lots so many friends so fast.

Yes, coyotes will kill dogs, even big ones. They will team up and lure a dog away and then tear him to shreds.

I hate to be the one to bear the bad news on predators but that is their job, to kill. Sometimes they eat what they kill but not always.

You'll need to shoot them, trap them or snare them. Once any predator has fed on your property they will come looking until you kill them.

Last night I heard the fox come. Fox has not had a meal off my livestock since April because my dog now lives with the chickens. She also heard it and sounded the alarm. He will keep coming, always looking for a change, always looking for a weakness.

Furs are soon prime here and I will start trapping again.
You poor thing!

You've had a lot to get through in the last few days. I hope you are able to take some time off so you can absorb everything. And if any idiot says something like "it's just a dog", then smack em upside the head!

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