No substitute for a Good Dog

I am so sorry for your multiple losses. Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. In your position I would be somewhat consoled by the fact that Herbie got to choose when he passed, and that he didn't get taken out by those darned coyotes before his time.

Herbie was a fine, majestic even, looking dog. What a treasure you found in him.
I was rereading your post about Herbie and realised I had a similar experience - 4 days after my beautiful Aussie went blind my chicken coop turned into the killing fields. Those predators know when something is amiss. I lost every laying hen I had and was left with one elderly, sad and lonely rooster (too tough to eat, perhaps?).

Yes, a good dog is a huge asset. Perhaps there is another pound hound out there who would love the chance to work with you.
Hey Everyone!!! Thank you all so much for your prayers and condolences. It will be a long time to get over the loss of my girlfriend and Herbie but "The ferverent prayer of a righteous man has much power" and all of your prayers have been answered. Our young Great Dane Thor who has been missing since Sunday afternoon is HOME!!!!!! The coyotes didn't get him. When we went out to feed this morning he was just laying in a stall in the barn with the chickens and goats like he is supposed to. YEA!

But we still need to kill those coyotes, they came into the garage and got another hen. I'm down to 5. Any ideas on getting these creeps without bothering my neighbors? I'd love to pull out the .22 or shotgun and blast the little buggers but living with homes 5 to 70 acres apart, a bullet will travel pretty far. I'm hoping Thor will step up to the plate and fill in for Herbie, but like Pupsnpullets said "the predators know when something is amiss"
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so glad your boy is home.
ME TOO!!!! We got the Danes a year and a half ago knowing that Herbie was so old and didn't want to wait until we lost him to get a "replacer" dog. Herbie could never be replaced. But to loose them both in the matter of a week.... That was more than we could handle. Thank God he's home. I wonder where he's been for 3 days?
That's the best news I've heard all week! So glad Thor came home:D

Here's a thread to put a smile on your face:

are my family

I'm not sure what to do about the coyotes, the ones I have here arent so bold to come around human structures but I guess if they were hungry enough they might. Maybe set traps? Secure all your pets/livestock somewhere else if possible and set traps in the barn where they've been? Or maybe there is a
trapper / wildlife management person you can hire to get rid of them?
Good luck!

So glad to hear that your boy came home, what great news.

As far as getting rid of those pests try finding a local hound hunter they will hunt them with their dogs and get rid of them for you. They are always looking for a chance to practice with their dogs and they usally don't charge you for helping out. If you call a local hunt club they might be able to help you find someone.
Two of our neighbors own hounds and hunt lions with them. They won't use them for coyotes because they say it will ruin them for lion. There are so many coyotes here in the desert no one would have any peace - those hounds would be barking all night long from their kennels. Traps - I worry about the dogs getting in. The same for poison. How about snake shot from a .22?
I'm so sorry you lost your dog but I am relieved that Thor is safe and sound.

For the coyotes you may want to call your Division of Wildlife (google it) they can help with nuisance predators.

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