No substitute for a Good Dog

I have been praying for you and I sure hope the traps work. Sorry you lost all your chickens. When I lost mine to the neighbors dog I put a better electric fence up (more juice)
So sorry for your losses! Prayer and time will heal wounds. And remember our dear friends are not gone they live on in our hearts and we WILL be reunited in the end!

Now for the coyotes...5 - 70 acres is more that enough room to shoot them with a .22 or .22magnum. There are alot of hunters especially out west were you are that love to shoot coyotes. Run an ad in the lcal paper and I bet you will get a response. If not do it your self. Just be aware of what lies around you. If shooting from the ground the bullet shouldn't travel more than a couple hundred yards before contacting the ground. coyotes are very inteligent and resourceful. Good luck with gettng rid of them.

The great pyrenees make EXCELLENT flock protectors. they are long haired which prevents attackers from getting ahold of them and they are completely fearless. I have read stories about them chasing and treeing bears. They are also gentle enough to have around baby aninals and children. I know you have to eautiful great danes but a GP would make a great addition to your canine family.

Good luck with everything
Thank you all so much for your compassion and empathy. You have no idea how much it means to me.

Right now the 2 Great Danes are enough dog for us. We also have 3 horses, one of which is 30 this year and I have raised her from a foal, 2 goats that are scheduled for breeding next week and my one little chicken at my friends house now.

Our local law prevents us from shooting within 1/4 mile of an occupied building and there are too many trees, shrubs and cacti to see if some kid is playing Cowboys & Indians to take a chance. We are looking for some traps.

My Friend took my only hen left, a white leghorn ( with the top of her tail feathers chewed off!!!) She adapted quickly to her flock and they are not even picking on her.

So we will start to build Fort Knox this weekend and no more chicken wire, but welded wire, like I wanted in the beginning.

Thanks again, God Bless you all!
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My word, this has been a rough passage for you & your family! :aww But I sure admire your spunk and determination to out-think and out-last those coyotes! And go build the strongest coop you can come up with!

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