No waste bucket feeders for chicks of all ages.

I've saw a couple threads and have some ideas but the threads don't have much details about the build or if they ultimately worked well.
Ideas are good but wanting to hear about others success or fails before wasting buckets or buying pvc fittings.
So lets hear what's worked or what hasn't and why.

No pics? No details?
Yeah, you didn't give any.
We made a pvc bucket feeder. It worked for the chickens...but it also worked for the chipmunks :barnie. I discovered the chipmunks inside the feeder, during the day. I switched to using a ratproof feeder.

I remember following a thread by @K0k0shka where she had a smart-ass cockerel who kept billing out extravagant amounts of feed, and her search for a truly waste-free bucket feeder to foil his billing habit. Took me a while to find it.

If you read the posts before the above one, she tried a couple other popular PVC elbow feeders that were useless before finding @aart's article with the feeder that worked.

I used the principles of aart's design and modified them to make a hopper style feeder to save space in my little beach-city coop. I know you have a hella lot of birds, but you could probably modify it the other way and use a plastic trash can instead of a bucket to feed your horde.
Chicks don't eat that much. Is it that big of a deal if they waste food? I have different size PVC street elbows on a 5 gallon bucket, from 2" to 3.5". I think the chicks start using 2" elbows at about 4 weeks old and then move up.
Chicks don't eat that much. Is it that big of a deal if they waste food?
Ha! Tell that to The Moonshiner! If I remember correctly, his feed runs to the mill require the full bed of a large pickup truck! Have you seen his home made incubator? I think it holds more than 100 eggs.

For me, with a paltry 3 hens, preventing spilled feed was all about not attracting rats.
Chicks don't eat that much. Is it that big of a deal if they waste food? I have different size PVC street elbows on a 5 gallon bucket, from 2" to 3.5". I think the chicks start using 2" elbows at about 4 weeks old and then move up.
Ya it isn't a big deal with a handful of chicks but.....
I hatch 30-35 or so a week. That adds up quick and spilled feed can add up to quite a bit when dealing with hundreds of chicks and juveniles.

Including "street elbows" "2"" and "about 4 weeks old" is exactly the info I'm looking for.
Ha! Tell that to The Moonshiner! If I remember correctly, his feed runs to the mill require the full bed of a large pickup truck! Have you seen his home made incubator? I think it holds more than 100 eggs.

For me, with a paltry 3 hens, preventing spilled feed was all about not attracting rats.
:lau Yes you remember correctly.but I've cut down to 1/2 a bed load or so. Love the large runs but my poor truck does not. It reminds me of that on hills, curves and when stopping.
The incubator holds 246 at full capacity. Luckily I get quite a few clear eggs or I'd be in real trouble.
I remember following a thread by @K0k0shka where she had a smart-ass cockerel who kept billing out extravagant amounts of feed, and her search for a truly waste-free bucket feeder to foil his billing habit. Took me a while to find it.

If you read the posts before the above one, she tried a couple other popular PVC elbow feeders that were useless before finding @aart's article with the feeder that worked.

I used the principles of aart's design and modified them to make a hopper style feeder to save space in my little beach-city coop. I know you have a hella lot of birds, but you could probably modify it the other way and use a plastic trash can instead of a bucket to feed your horde.
I haven't read the thread yet that you linked but ya I tried a few various PVC elbow feeders without the success I wanted with chicks.
I've also made a few feeders about like the bucket funnel one. I used a bucket in a bucket with a PVC type funnel.
They either still pulled feed out or throw too much trash in.
That's when I made a couple of the bucket feeders with the elbows. They always worked well with adults but I just never worried enough to make a modified chick version. Mainly cause I worried about the space it would take up and I wondered if they could actually reach through the elbow.
With feed prices what they're getting to I'm getting motivated now.

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