No wattles/earlobes at 15 weeks? What breed is this?


Free Ranging
9 Years
May 22, 2015
Northwest Phoenix area
This bird (I think pullet) hatched 3/8/22 at Ideal and came as either a rainbow assortment (various egg colors), or a hatchery surprise (anything Ideal has that might hatch an egg). I kept waiting for earlobes to come in, then noticed virtually no wattles. As a day old this bird was white with very little if any yellow down. Any thoughts?


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Leghorns have huge combs and wattles.
The pullet is only 11 weeks old. She's got plenty of time to grow comb & wattles if she is a Leghorn, or she could be some other white breed that has smaller ones.

Edit, 15 weeks. I missed a month when I counted from the hatch date. At that age, I agree she's less likely to be a Leghorn.
That seems normal for a pullet of that age, for many breeds. Her comb and wattles will get bigger and redder when she gets close to laying age, and her earlobes will probably become obvious around that time too.
Thanks! That means she's just way slower than the others, all of whom are varying breeds. That alone might give me a clue as to her breed/mix!
Thanks! That means she's just way slower than the others, all of whom are varying breeds. That alone might give me a clue as to her breed/mix!
Yes, that might be a clue about what breed she is. Leghorns do tend to mature fast, so if she's slower than the other pullets she is more likely to be a slower-maturing breed.

You are comparing her with pullets, not cockerels, right?

My bird was hatched 3/8, she's 15weeks and 2 days in this picture.
I counted weeks from that hatch date, and got 11 weeks to... oops...sometime in May.
Yup, 15 weeks. I just edited my previous post.

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