No way to tell humidity?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
I borrowed an incubator from a friend and there is no way for me to tell the humidity. What do I do? Any tips for a first time hatcher? Thank You.
What type of incubator do you use?
If it's a hova-bator, if you filled up water wells (one in center, the other in outer edge), humidity would be around 60%-75%.
If it's over 80%, you will see the mist is formed on window(s) of lid.
When I had this issue, I was told to go to walmart and purchase a digital thermometer/hygrometer combo. It's $6 and is GREAT! And after hatching, you can keep it in the brooder box too, or just use it indoor/outdoor for yourself. It's small and has a magnet. We found it in the hardware area. Good luck!

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