Noise a hen makes

Post a picture of your birds, we can give you an idea if it's a hen or not.
Young hens don't crow as a rule, when you hear of crowing hens it's older, dominant hens.
My hens make all sorts of noises, and a kind of soft purring noise when I disturb them on the roost at night.
I am constantly amazed at the variety of sounds my flock of pullets make! For the first year I only
had BRs and then added numerous other standard size heritage breeds and found that each
individiual breed and often even individuals within the breed will have very disparate voices and

My favorite is 'the egg song' all of my girls make very loudly - especially the Welsummers - for quite a long time before they lay their egg AND after as well!

I don't concern myself with their verbalizations - other than inwardly smiling to myself and enjoying them - I do pay attention when I pick up on the 'I'm in distress' noises which are very distinct and
also vary from breed to breed.
Okay here are some pics


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