Noise issue


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Note: I'm not answering any questions if it's already been answered in this post.

I'm not sure if this happens with all ducks but every time our female ducks hear us through the kitchen window, they start quacking. It's starting to become an issue this week as they've been doing a lot between 3AM-10AM. We've had Colonel(Drake) and Duchess(Duck) since April 2019 so a whole year. We got Kaeda(Duck) earlier this year as I kept getting told to add another female despite not having issues at all and we still don't have overbreeding issues.

Anyway, we do live in the city so we have neighbors. We've never had an issue with the ducks quacking during the day but I'm worried that if they continue their noise this early in the morning, we're going to get reported. Any noise before 10:30AM gets reported.
They started doing that this week and have never done it before.
Closing the kitchen window isn't going to work because everyone keeps opening it back up no matter what I tell them.

Anything I can do to keep them quiet??
Have the neighbors complained? Other than not making noise until 10:30, I'm not sure what you could do. Mine also do this, but I don't have any neighbors close by. Good luck.
I also live in a neighborhood and my ducks like to call to me in the morning after they hear me. But, it is because I am coming to feed them. Do yours continue it after they have been given breakfast? If they do, do you think they are hoping for treats? Maybe you need to change when or how much they are fed or when you visit them?! Just a thought.
I live on 5 acres and I can't imagine having ducks with close neighbors. They are loud! My ducks quack loudly when they want food or when they see me and want to get let out of their run. They do the same when something makes them nervous. It's just their nature and I don't think there's much you can do about it. They are conversational, and it's part of their charm!
I also live in a neighborhood and my ducks like to call to me in the morning after they hear me. But, it is because I am coming to feed them. Do yours continue it after they have been given breakfast? If they do, do you think they are hoping for treats? Maybe you need to change when or how much they are fed or when you visit them?! Just a thought.
Yes. Every time they hear me in the house, they start quacking as I stated in the post.
Yes. Every time they hear me in the house, they start quacking as I stated in the post.

Remember Dr.Pavlov, the guy who would ring a bell before he fed his dogs. The dogs learned to associate the sound with dinner. I think your ducks are doing the same thing. They have come to associate the sound of people with good things coming. You have to break the association, which will probably be difficult to do. If you can’t train the people to keep the window closed could you put a white noise machine by the ducks so they can’t hear as well? At the very least I wouldn’t feed them right after they have been quacking loudly because it only reinforces the behavior.

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