Non sequitur haikus

Reaching out, shes gone...
Back to my dreams I go... zzz
Holding close again

Eyes open... green pools
Diving in without 1 breath
Swimming in heaven

Tan lines and bare feet
The mermaid flashes her smile
In an instant...... gone...

staring at the roof
willing myself somewhere warm
If only I could....
Coming to terms with
& #living with #depression;
Both curse & blessing.
#TalkinHaiku #Vsspoem #meditation

#Struggling for years
as a #humble #veteran;
#Reality bomb.
#haikuhorrorprompt #HaikuChallenge

8:30 A.M.,
#Body still hides in the #bed;
#Mind has list to do…
How does one request
to be considered for the
Opportunity? #vss365
#TalkinHaiku #meditation

I’d like to tryout
Or at least be on the list
For a chance at it?
#humility #HaikuWisdom

When in the future
would I be allowed to toss
My hat in the ring?
#Prompt #Volunteer
Unread books’ purpose
whispers rose with the night wind
to Sun’s eclipsed ache
#TalkinHaiku #HaikuChallenge #Vsspoem #VSS365 #HaikuHorrorPrompt #flexVSS #HaikuLust #LeveledUp

It’s not so much use
As it is how you use it
Just don’t lose your way
#meditation #patience

so when you see a haiku with a few specific hashtags. Know that I am
Using the selected “prompt” word or phrase for a given community on Twitter.
VSS = has several sub groups (365, flex, poem & i think one other?)

I have just found a couple others and am still trying to figure them out.

for example HaikuLust is a new word or phrase every Friday night ~8PM EDT

HaikuChallenege is usually a word every day

TalkinHaiku is my own hashtag creation at this point as the other user whom I had been working with seems to have either had the account hacked, deleted or has had a very ugly relapse (fallen off the wagon, to use their own words)…. Their ID has been “radio silent” for just over 3 weeks now. And we had been bantering for nearly a year solid up until then….

So, there are other hashtags I use for (hopefully you can see this too) obvious reasons. Subtle reasons. Layers of meanings. The types of humor or humour… personal reference…

we now return you to haiku mode…
\End of line.

\So'wI'yIchu! [Translation: “Engage cloak!”]

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