Noob chicken owner trying to gender mixed breeds

Yes, many times. Initially they fully believed Stormy was a rooster, and were helping me find a good home for him/her, but they’re more uncertain now. I’m not getting any directional advice from them and I don’t think they really know what to do. I’m the one who deals with the 4-6 am wake-up calls and stresses out every morning. I’m so sorry to bother you but I just don’t know how to deal with this. I just to have happy, healthy hens that bring me joy and security instead of stress. I’m sorry to bother you so much :/
If you haven't spoken to your neighbors, then you may be stressing for nothing.

She is 100% without a doubt, a female. If you are having this much anxiety over what others may think, it may be best to just re-home her.
Everything will turn out fine. I can assure you of that. There’s 2 ways this could go: you could wait until she stops crowing (which might mean explaining the situation to your neighbors) or you get a complaint and have to rehome her. Think about like this: if you do your best to explain to your neighbors, even in an email or letter if you have to, it lowers the chances of getting a complaint by A LOT. Even then it sounds like you are considering rehoming her already. You’re responsible and you care about your chooks. It’ll be fine. I promise :hugs

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