Noob Needs Help - 2 Chickens and No Idea?!?

Beautiful green legs, I'm voting Easter Eggers. At 7 weeks with comb size and paleness, I'm thinking girls. But the bird on the right has some really stocky legs. Of note, from my experience the EEs are slowing to lay by about 4 weeks when compared to other breeds (around 26-28+ wks). My EEs give me an egg every day, unlike some of my golden buffs who are supposed to be great layers and they don't produce daily for me.
The dark smaller one has started showing some dominant traits. I hope she doesn't turn out to be a he. Urban living means no roos saying good morning to the neighbors.

Does dominance indicate anything? The larger chick with white cheeks flees to the back of the kennel and the darker one rushes to the front.

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