Noobie Chick keeper


5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Hello everyone! I'm a mother of 4 daughters & have 1 beagle & married. We moved on 5 acres. With this land I set some goals. To eat better,be more active Outside, & teach the kids the same. I started a small spring garden. My first one ever!
I've been stalking your wonderful site for a few months. I wanted to wait until after I got my girls before I joined. All winter I have been reading magazines, books, & websites anything about chickens.We priced coops & were not happy at all with the sizes or prices. So the plan was to wait until husband could build a coop & run. In February I miscarried After my body Was healed I couldnt wait. So at the end of March we bought our first flock! I told husbandm I have faith if I buy the chickens the coop will come. So I guess I'm using the chicks to help deal with the loss Now. They make me smile & laugh. We have started to build the coop With the warmer weather. Im so excited to be apart of your group & to learn from everyone!
Hi there, I just joined too (as of 2mins ago haha)...nice to meet you!!
I read your story and I wanted to say that I am sorry for your lose and what you are going through, I hope that you will find peace and happiness.
My husband and I bought some (6) chickens and (2)ducks one month ago and have decided to start building a coop this weekend..haha We have a brooder* but they are starting to become really crowded, so time to expand. We also were not happy with the prices and size of the coops we have looked into, in fact we are still trying to come up with a coop that we both will like and that the animals will be happy with.
I am also excited to learn from everyone here and have knowledgeable chicken owners to help out a newbie like me..
Anyways, great meeting you and hopefully all goes well for you and your family!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! So sorry for your loss, hope the spring brings you some peace and happiness. Yes, if I buy chicks, the coop will be built, very often works, especially when the chicks get to be about a month old and want to fly all over the place, gooe incentive to get their home built so they can get out of yours! Good luck with the chicks and your garden this year! And it is always fun to check out your state thread for chicken keeping neighbors
Thanks for your healing thoughts. I'm fine for a few days but then i break down. My chicks are about 3weeks old now. The chicks are in the house on a table. I keep them in a dog crate with cardboard along the sides & bottom to keep the drafts, dog nose, & tiny fingers out & to keep the shavings inside. For the coop we are using as much scrap lumber & recycling as we can. The floor is a old playset floor. The roof is a unwanted sectional sofa That we just Stripped down to The frame wood. We made frames for the walls but thats as far as we have gotten. Now that the weather is getting over 70 i went to Walmart & got a giant potato box took out the bottom & placed a old screen door on top to use as a playpen for them to go outside for a hr or 2.

Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry for your loss. That must leave a very large empty in your heart. But maybe your chickens can help you heal and over come the loss.

Yes, I brood my chicks in a big wire dog crate too. Those make excellent brooders! You can even add a roost bar thru the wires for them. Makes for an easy transition to the coop for roosting. They will naturally roost at this age of 3 weeks too.

Cute coop! Good luck with the rest of this build. If you have any further questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Good luck with your poultry raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! There is always something new to learn! Glad to have you here! See you around with the flock.
Many years ago I had a loss in the first trimester, now and then I still get sad about it and wonder what she would have been like. Please accept my sympathy- we all heal in our own way and our own time.

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