
You are not going to believe this:

When I got home tonight (at 6), there were 3 pips. For the record: Eggs in incubator: April 21, 2011. Count April 22, 2011 as day 1. Temp: 99.5-.7 entire time. Little to no deivation. Humidity: 40-50%, closest to 40 to 45%. Today is per day 1 count - day 19...per actually in the incuabor - day 20.
Well, had to go pick up DS from Driver's Ed. Came home to :

It was 8:45 pm...I got 10 yo DD so that she could watch as I knew it was close and this is what she got to watch:

DD making kissy faces:

And Pica my dog wanting to see:

If you will notice, Pica the dog is standing in my hand. DS took the photo. Yes, that is a humidifier next to the incubator. I could not quite get the humidity up, so I used the cloth method in the bottom under the eggs and I put the humidifier near by as I figured my house could use the moisture anyway..I don't know if it is helpng or not, but my humidity is at 70%.
I put 11 turkey and 4 chicken eggs in on Easter Sunday and upon candling had found only half the turkey eggs were fertilized (which I had suspected).
I am in lockdown tomorrow for the chickens (all have great veining and dancing shadows) but have had not good luck with the turkeys.
I do not have any way to measure the humidity but am following the instructions exactly.
I did not measure humidity last year in a friends borrowed incubator (a really pretty junky thing and not a brinsea) but had great hatch success with the turkeys.

However, eeeeek
, only one of the remaining 5 turkey eggs looks good now, a week before they are due. One is questionable, two seem to have quit very recently and one a ways back.
I am careful with handwashing, not guilty of constant opening and messing about, and keeping the humidity trough full, vent open abput 1/3...
Could this be a humidity/temperature issue?
How much did you score your Brinsea off Craigslist for???

I got the eco20 with turner, and the brinsea candler, and a hovabator for $80. thats good right...???

Oh yeah! Thats a good deal. No one has even heard of a Brinsea where I live, let alone have them on craigslist.
I've got pips! Both of my light sussex/black orpington crosses are pipping!
I'm going to have the leave the house so I don't sit in front of the incubator watching it all day.

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