
We have No AC in our 200 year old house and we have wood heat which dries everything. One day it will be 70% humidity in my house and the nest 30%. But it is always the same in my Brinsea Adavanced! I love, love, love my brinsea and I am on day 13 with one hatch and everyong is developing so well.

We must live in almost the same house! Mine is circa 1796 and high humidity is the name of the game except when the woodstove or fireplaces are on. Then it's dry, dry, dry. It's been raining for a month and I'm not heating and the room humidity is 70%.....
We have No AC in our 200 year old house and we have wood heat which dries everything. One day it will be 70% humidity in my house and the nest 30%. But it is always the same in my Brinsea Adavanced! I love, love, love my brinsea and I am on day 13 with one hatch and everyong is developing so well.

We must live in almost the same house! Mine is circa 1796 and high humidity is the name of the game except when the woodstove or fireplaces are on. Then it's dry, dry, dry. It's been raining for a month and I'm not heating and the room humidity is 70%.....

Its been raining here for a month!!! We must not only live in the same house, but close to eachother as well. My home dates back at AT LEAST 1844 but the local historians say it is likely a lot older, just no documentation they can find. So about the sane age as yours late 1700's to early 1800's. My home is actually a old Toll house. SO when people travled over the bridge in their carrges they had to pay the toll at my house!!!!

We have wood stove and I know what you mean. Winter= dry as a bone Summer = Sooooo MUCH HUMIDITY esp since all it does is rain. Good for my garden, not much else. But I love my Brinsea and cant wait till my ecos arrive tomorrow. I have eggs in a cooler waiting. Do you have AC? I don't even have AC so all the eggs I have been collecting from my girls and the shipped eggs I have are in a cooler because it is 80 dregrees in my house.

Brinseas arrive tomorrow! I will post pics. I will have 3 total.. So hapy!
I'll join up! I've got 13 Bourbon Red turkey eggs and five Buff Orpington chicken eggs in my Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco. They're all due on 5/18. I can't wait to see what hatches!
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that's so cool. I have a blrw rooster, would love to hatch out some girls for him....
that's so cool. I have a blrw rooster, would love to hatch out some girls for him....

Awesome. Here are a couple pics of my flock.



Got my shipped eggs today... To my horror when the box was handed over to me the bottom was very warm. The PO driver must of had it sitting on the heater.
Unpacked the eggs and they are in great shape. Luckily they were double boxed and the eggs were all cool to the touch. So I have 12 Barred Rock and 6 Brahmas to put in the bator tomorrow. Hope their trip was not too bad. Thanks for the great packing job Rebelrooster!
OK its official I set 120 Bob Whites & their due to hatch on May 21st .I have the eggs in my Brinsea Oct 40 DX. I thought I was getting 130 but its all good because they all fit perfectly in the bator. I've hatched every month this year I think I will slow down after this. Stick a fork in me I'm done.LOL

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