NorCal Newbie


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
San Juan Ridge, CA
Hello BYC, I am a newbie to this forum and to chickens in general. I am about to start my first flock of layers in Nevada county California. My coop is pretty much built and ready to go, I just need to get my chickens! I have been getting lots of info and ideas from this website throughout my learning process and just became a member today. I am wanting to get some ameraucanas and possibly some other breeds, so any leads in and around the Grass Valley/Nevada co. area would be appreciated. I'm excited to get into the world of keeping chickens and looking forward to learning all that I can to keep a happy and healthy flock.

Any suggestions and info always appreciated. Thanks !

If you go to "where am I , where are you?" in the social forum you can locate and post on your state thread. Someone is your locale is likely to have the breeds you want - so you would not have to order from a hatchery and have them shipped
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Sounds like you are all set up and ready to go. You might want to chat with others in your state thread to see if there is a local breeder nearby or knows someone that keeps these birds....

You can also stop by our Buy Sell and Trade section for breeders there...

Have you checked your local feed stores? Many of them are carrying chicks this time of year. Hatcheries like Murray McMurray, My Pet Chicken, Ideal, ect...may still have of these birds in stock.

Enjoy this new journey you are on and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck finding chicks, you've gotten some good suggestions above!
Thanks everyone! I ended up finding a person who was downsizing her flock and had 7-8 mo old mixed breeds available. This was just what I was looking for since they had just started laying. I got an ameraucana, an easter-egger, a Swedish flower and an Icelandic. I am very happy with these beautiful girls and I even got 3 eggs on the first day! So it begins...

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