North Carolina newbie!


6 Years
Jan 24, 2013
Broadway, NC
I've joined music forums, computer forums, weight training forums.....never thought I'd join a chicken forum until now! Hi everybody! I am another newbie, from central North Carolina, lol. My fam(particularly Dad and brother) raise cattle and pigs, and I've taken it upon myself to raise hens for egg laying. We've raised them way back in the day when I was a lot younger, and I've missed those days. Ordered 15 brown egg layers (an assortment picked by them) from, got them on tuesday, and they are doing quite well. I have them in a small brooder for the time being (cold front here right now) and will move them out to a larger brooder when it starts to warm up. I am looking forward to learning quite a bit here, and I may also need some help identifying the different breeds, lol. They didn't send a list of what type they are, so I've been browsing around trying to compare pics to names.
Welcome to BYC!!

Glad you joined us!!!

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