North Carolina

We're in Moyock, just south of Chesapeake, VA with our five ducks, five rabbits, one dog, and two teenagers.
Ooh, hi! My s/o and I are looking at moving to NC in the next year or so to start a small "homestead" on a tiny parcel (probably an acre or less--we're first time homebuyers and will need to reestablish our careers upon moving). How do you all feel about living, farming, and flock-raising in NC?
Ten years ago my husband and I moved to the farthest northwest corner of NC, in the Appalachian mountains.
My husband died 2 years ago.
I have just started my journey to homesteading.
I find the weather and culture here both pleasant and challenging enough to keep me learning.
I have almost 2 acres but most are very steep and heavily wooded.
I just got my first eggs today. I will be setting them later this evening.

If you are looking for more flat-ish land you'd need to move to the lowlands, but here in the mountains, we get almost exactly 3 months of each season. A patch of a few weeks in both summer and winter can be periods of extreme weather, high 90's and dry in the summer, single digits with wind chill in the negative temperatures. But we also get seasonally temperate weather that is delightful and the exuberant display of the return of spring and the exit of autumn.

I love it here better than any other place. If G-d allows I will create a small sustainable homestead that I will be able to handle as I age that will provide me most of what I need to live pleasantly.
To that end, I am starting with chickens this spring and hopefully a garden this fall, with 3-4 goats next spring. I'm still deciding whether they will be dairy or meat goats.

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