North Carolina

Oh no, I must have missed what has happened? We had a little accident here on Sunday and I had to work this week... so I wasn't able to search very far back for the few minutes I could pop on and off without a headache. I really hope everything is alright!
Hey everyone!! Thank you again so much for your support!!
You all have been wonderful!!

GREAT NEWS: My DH called me from work today (as he was walking from one site to the next) and said.....we're BUILDING this weekend!!
Then he asked me if I was excited. HELLOOOOOO? Of course I am. I just HAD to share the news with you all (and told him the now he can't back out). I'm only allowed to help remotely & during the DD naps but's official!!
I think my DD knows too, because she refuses to nap now that I am all giddy!!
DH is nervous because I am planning on taking pictures and posting them...he's afraid he's going to make a huge mistake or something. I told him if he did, at least they BYC'ers would let him know before it all fell down around him.
Somehow that wasn't comforting. I did promise him an extra large omelet once we get the coop built, the chicks here and then...they're old enough to start laying!! To tell you all how serious he is about building...he called his dad to borrow some carpentry books so he could get the roof "just right"...all because I have a love of barns. I said the coop didn't have to resemble a barn, but he said it HAD to.
who am I to complain?!?

Gavin - I can't wait to see them...any new photos for us? Oohh...I can almost feel their soft feathers...we're getting close.

While he builds the frame...I'm going to be painting the boards that will eventually be the walls!! To cut down on cost, we ordered OSB - and I know that that has to be really painted well to prevent moisture from getting in.
hoping & praying it works!! The last official tally on size: 11.75'x11.75' -'s that for keeping it under 12'!!
You all have been wonderful!!
I hope to at least feed your addiction in the future with photos and then perhaps....maybe, just maybe next year...chickies of my own...maybe even turkey's just for Em!!
It's BHep's fault...she infected me all those months ago...
OK hatchers - I need your expertise!!! Here is my homemade hatcher that I threw together to solve my staggered egg arrival issue. I made a few modifications since I took this pic including adding a grate to make sure the chicks can't fly behind the light and humidifier. It's been holding steady right at 66% humidity and 95 to 98 degrees. Does that sound good? Any suggestions or tips or stupid newbie mistakes I've made???

And just for fun, here's my eggs incubatin' away!


Thanks, guys!
Hatcher looks interesting! Humidity sounds good but you really need to have temp stay between 99.5-100 degrees for those little boogers to finish cookin.
Good thing is you have time to play with it and get it set.
All -
Thanks, I'm excited....can't hardly sit still!!
SCM - I'm not a hatcher, so all I can say is...
I have that humidifier in my DD room!!
Aside from that, I think it *looks* nice (although looks don't always necessitate function)!!

More good news: my husband is getting off of work early to go pick up a cement drill bit and a few misc items so that he can prep the concrete/cement for the posts and ok...I'm jumping out of my skin in anticipation!!
How do I ever repay him for building this for me? Ok, a good, natural, home cooked breakfast each and every morning after the chicks start laying...sounds like a plan to me!!
Well, off to get the last of the baby food made before church tonight...have a great evening everyone!!
Yeah, but I just HAD to try it...
Now I've got an aquarium full of black algae.

Don't get may get killed! They're eeeeeeeevil.
Just set 21 eggs
My humidity is at 55 and the temp is at 97.3 and climbing. I am using a little giant incubator from my friend that was already set for 102, Is that ok for a still air/ it has been staying more around 100.

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