North Carolina

buttercup glad to meet ya
Ok North Carolina Chickneers

I have a delima...

Opinions and insight is appreciated.

Its been almost 2 wks since we got 3 red comet Hens, 1 Ameracauna hen, 1 Barred Rock hen and One Orphington hen. I was told on purchase that they were all laying. They appear to be healhty. After getting them home we really started noticing some things. One the Barred Rock sounds conjested or something. She laid an egg the very next day and has not laid again.

We kept them in a brand new coop (cause we brand new chicken owners :) ) for 7 days with a nice 6 hole metal nesting boxes and appropriate food. They have now been free ranging for 5 days.

Lots of stuff for them to forage on as we live on the wooded Mtn side (with grassy areas). They seem content and eating well.

The Ameracauna has laid a few eggs however none of the reds or the Orp have laid eggs (since We also got an Ameracauna hen from the same person and she is laying. The Amaracauna has missing feathers on her back
from being bred but none of the reds or the Orp have missing feathers. I am thinking we were sold old non laying hens.

These birds were all together in a confined pen when I bought them, I have since learned that she buys and resells chickens and these were not her 'personal birds' and as she puts it anything I can make a buck on. I paid $17 each except for the Ameracauna $22 for her and am feeling like we have been taken.

What do you guys think???


to all of the new folks.

As some of you know, I picked up 5 BO's earlier this week and used a small dog kennel for a temporary brooder. We did this with the LF Brahmas until i got another more suitable brooder built. Due to the cat population we thought it was wise to put the temp brooder on my chest of drawers in the bedroom.

This morning, DW hears a thud, rolls over and sees one BO on the floor with three fur kids surrounding it.

Readjusted to a better locale for the new additions. Have a chick high rise going on in the den. The main brooder is built with one screened side which faces us in the den. This is chick TV!!!

The OGs (original gangsters) should be be ready to move outside in two weeks. They are feathering fast. It is just amazing. Right now trying to sleep but the upstairs neighbors are still partying.

Finishing up the coop today and tomorrow, got a lot done today. Only need to do the nest boxes and the clean out door tomorrow. Only concern is the fox or coyote that passed thru last night at about 10.30. The neighbors dog did not bark nor did the guineas sound off and he/she was within 20 feet of them. Just amazing to watch. This is my second sighting.

Just my 2 cents, but I don't think you have anything to worry about yet. Since they were moved, this sometimes gets them off kilter in the egg factory for a while. They need to get used to and feel safe in thir new home. The ones that did lay, probably had them working on the inside when you got them. I would give them a few more days to even a week before you think you were taken.

As far as one missing feathers and the others not... roos have their favorites and have "relations" with them more often. It is also possible that before you got them they were housed differently and she was with the roo and the others not. When the person found out you were getting them, they could have just put them all together for easy capture.

Now as far as the congetsted sounding hen. I would not put her with any others (that is if you had some before) for a few more days. If these are new chickens altogether, I would still seperate her somehow until you know for sure what is going on.

Again I am just putting my 2 cents worth in. I am sur someone with more experience might tell you to do something different. But like I said, just be patient. Let them get used to their new home, and before you know it, you will get more eggs on a daily basis.
K9Pines... you need to seperate the weezing chicken ASAP. Watch her. Respirtory infections are very contagious!!!!!

You asked what we think. If you do not mind me being blunt..... this person you got them from, does sound like they just want to make a buck. And $17 & $22 is too much for a layer. A real good quaility bird yes. I do not know the market for chickens there, but here, I sell & have purchased laying hen for $8-$10. If this person is just buying & re-selling you have NO idea what you got. Too old, too young ,sick
I hope I don't hurt your feelings
I don't like the sound of the whole deal !

As far as the birds not laying....give them time. A few weeks at least. If they are freeranging, they also could be laying outside the coop. The hen with missing feathers is just over bred, too many roosters or a favorite. The feathers will grow back.

I really, really hope you were not sold old and or sick birds
Melissa I feel your pain with this matter. I too have been a recent purchaser of a few auction hens. Three is one crate. Of the three, I have one reliable layer and two that are yet to produce. One of the three is missing a few feathers and I am not sure exactly why but for the last week and a half they have been fun to interact with and time may be our best advantage. I am raising chicks and got impatient so I bought hens ready to lay. Four out of six are producers. I am not so sure that auction hens are the best, but they do provide enjoyment if not eggs! I hope we can turn these hens around to lead a product life or maybe a decent chicken stew!
Like others......just my opinion but I would not pay that much for a hen unless it was proven show lines. $12-$15 would be as high as I would go and that would be for large breed and less than 2-3 years old......but that's just me.

I agree.......give them 2-4 weeks to settle in but if you are letting them free range they could be laying somewhere in their free range area in a hidden nest. You may want to limit their free range time to just an hour or two and keep them penned the rest of the time. Some hens just don't lay every day and some don't like certain nest boxes. Don't get discouraged...........chickens can be a pleasent pastime
Hey Melisa,

First let me say that WOW
those are some high prices for ordinary stock! Don't take this the wrong way but I do have to commend the seller if she is getting that kind of $$ for just average layer stock. Heck I sell some "specialty" stock cheaper than that, maybe I need to rethink some pricing.

You may want to keep in mind that your hens might be starting to molt and some will stop laying all together. My buff bantam orpington hens are just finishing their molt and started laying again this week after taking a THREE MONTH hiatus. I have others in various stages of molting, it is that time again.

Like the others say, I would just keep a close eye on any sneezing, coughing, wheezing, you could end up with a mess on your hands.
Melissa, I have to agree with the prevailing opinions about price. From what I have read, aging a hen is hard if not impossible. Once they reach full growth they can be 8months to 5 years old and you wont be able to tell the difference. This make it easy to past off an older hen as a younger one and she may have had the same happen to her. Doesn't make it right for her to do the same to you if that is what happened. I would give the hens more time to settle. If they have been shifted around several times they very well be out of whack in the laying department or they could just be too young yet or laying out while they are free ranging. Good Luck.

Miss Lydia, Wish I could, today I start on the horse barn and fix the boards that my silly mare likes to stand on ( just her toes as they are only 1n inch and a half wide) to look in the stalls. Then it has the be spring cleaned and I have one more horse to shed out and trim her feet and all that spring stuff. May be I'll get to ride her next week

Daver, Chick TV. my furry stomachs' favorite past time. I keep the brooders onthe floor in a closet to limit the kitty lounging space. I have one that loved to lay on top of the wire and peer down on them.

Off to enjoy the day. Cookout at friend house this evening
need to get my work done.

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