North Carolina

Well I had my first experience with a hawk today. I was out in the yard working and went inside for a minute. When I came back out, all the chickens were gone except for my two roos. Most of them were hiding under my trailer and the rest were in the coop or tractor shed. One of them was walking towards the tree that the hawk was in. I went in to get my bb gun to shoot at it but it ended up flying away. I guess I got really lucky today.
Well I had my first experience with a hawk today. I was out in the yard working and went inside for a minute. When I came back out, all the chickens were gone except for my two roos. Most of them were hiding under my trailer and the rest were in the coop or tractor shed. One of them was walking towards the tree that the hawk was in. I went in to get my bb gun to shoot at it but it ended up flying away. I guess I got really lucky today.
becareful shooting at hawk i am pretty sure all birds of prey are protected!! sucks for us chicken lovers though
Hello, I'm Ashley, and I'm a Hatchoholic. Despite my late-season hatching comments last year that might give you some impression that I was "burned out," or that I "might take next hatching season off," many months have passed. I now stalk my Swedish Flower Hens for fertile eggs. I have ravaged the internet for quality Silver Laced Wyandotte hatching eggs and taken part in an Ebay auction until the last minute. I then emailed the owner to ensure that they know the winner of the auction. I bugged my husband to bring my incubating stuff down from the attic. I spent way too much time today sanitizing and organizing my incubator. I already have it running to make sure it is ready to set said eggs on Thursday. God save anyone or anything that intervenes in my plan to set six SLW eggs and my SFH eggs, however many there shall be on said date. I cannot be responsible for my actions toward anyone interfering with this operation.

Good Monday Morning everyone!!

No chicken news...aside from the fact that DH says there has been a LOT of activity in our nesting boxes (NO EGGS...yet?!?)...still hoping the lock up will do some good!!

Having a get together with Beth SUPER excited!!
Now...I must tidy up so the kitchen isn't a death trap!!
Good Monday Morning everyone!!

No chicken news...aside from the fact that DH says there has been a LOT of activity in our nesting boxes (NO EGGS...yet?!?)...still hoping the lock up will do some good!!

Having a get together with Beth SUPER excited!!
Now...I must tidy up so the kitchen isn't a death trap!!

Me too....
Wild, that looks like a Scovy hen. Unless her tail lengthens. Their heads look the sane at that age, but the tails on drakes always look ridiculously long.

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