North Carolina

What a big boy, congratulations!

Hollow, I will let you know what the state vet says, I have a few different brands of vaccine that I am looking at, but honestly, if it only confers 60 day immunity, at $.05 per dose, I don't mind boostering every two months, I only have 60 chickens. I can't do the math in my head, but that's really not a lot of money. Paul Smith said that there's a pill he gives his birds as a vaccine, and he has to give it every so many months, it dissolves in water, doesn't sound bad as long as it doesn't cause shedding when they get stressed. That's the big thing for me. I want to show my birds and I don't want them shedding virus when I take them to a show.
I'm looking to buy 6 pullets, laying age or nearly laying age. My egg customers are currently wanting more than my hens are producing. If anyone has some they are looking to sell, please PM me. I don't really care about breed, as long as they are healthy. The breeder I normally buy from doesn't have any available till fall and I can't wait that long.

On another note: Congratulations Luke, on your handsome baby boy! He's a cutie, for sure! :)
I'm looking to buy 6 pullets, laying age or nearly laying age. My egg customers are currently wanting more than my hens are producing. If anyone has some they are looking to sell, please PM me. I don't really care about breed, as long as they are healthy. The breeder I normally buy from doesn't have any available till fall and I can't wait that long.

On another note: Congratulations Luke, on your handsome baby boy! He's a cutie, for sure! :)

Sent you a PM
It sounds like she might be egg bound.

I dealt with this a couple of weeks ago.... from what I researched she needs calcium.... all I had on hand was tums/w calcium... I gave her tums water and fed her scrambled eggs with crushed tums, yogurt and the shell crushed up very good. The calcium is supposed to help her pass the egg. You need to soak her bottom in warm water for 30 minutes. We did that while massaging the egg towards the vent.... do not push up into her body as it might damage her organs.... you should be able to feel the egg... grasp from the sides and massage it towards her rear end.

Anyways... none of that worked for us... we even tried to suck the inside of the egg out by poking a needle in the egg... FAIL
Hubby had to tap the egg with a hammer and bust it inside and we put her on antibiotics (tylan 50) for 4 days.... and prayed for the best.
She has since passed the egg fragments and is back outside.... doing well.
Is the Tylan the kind you put in the water? That's all I have. My dog-cat vet gave me some for respiratory infection. I thought I was losing her last night couldn't keep her head up wings spreading out for balance. Gave her the tums water and more yogurt , kept her inside last night but she rather be in her box outside. She perked up a little. comb is red still not walking but has feeling in her legs cause she kicks and wraps her toes around my finger. Giving her egg tonight and soaking her. Couldn't do it yesterday because of work. A co-worker went thru the same thing the other night with a turkey, did the needle thing, sad to say it died 2 hours later. Don't want to do that cause I don't know what I'm doing. Do they lose the ability to walk and wings out from egg bound? Hope it is not Mareks.
What a big boy, congratulations!  

Hollow, I will let you know what the state vet says, I have a few different brands of vaccine that I am looking at, but honestly, if it only confers 60 day immunity, at $.05 per dose, I don't mind boostering every two months, I only have 60 chickens.  I can't do the math in my head, but that's really not a lot of money.  Paul Smith said that there's a pill he gives his birds as a vaccine, and he has to give it every so many months, it dissolves in water, doesn't sound bad as long as it doesn't cause shedding when they get stressed.  That's the big thing for me.  I want to show my birds and I don't want them shedding virus when I take them to a show.  
Not 60 days... 60 weeks! Much more doable with a efficient vaccine. I'd appreciate any research you can provide on the vaccines available. So many poultry diseases have vaccines that are effectively worthless. Good for all in - all out commercial operations, but not for small breeders. I'd also want a test for asymptomatic carriers. I've had to destroy one flock. Don't want to go through it again!
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" hey pa, they went that way!" Still hard to believe this is part of me!

Aww... beautiful baby!

Is the Tylan the kind you put in the water? That's all I have. My dog-cat vet gave me some for respiratory infection. I thought I was losing her last night couldn't keep her head up wings spreading out for balance. Gave her the tums water and more yogurt , kept her inside last night but she rather be in her box outside. She perked up a little. comb is red still not walking but has feeling in her legs cause she kicks and wraps her toes around my finger. Giving her egg tonight and soaking her. Couldn't do it yesterday because of work. A co-worker went thru the same thing the other night with a turkey, did the needle thing, sad to say it died 2 hours later. Don't want to do that cause I don't know what I'm doing. Do they lose the ability to walk and wings out from egg bound? Hope it is not Mareks.

I suppose you can use tylan in the water.... DH gives the shots. I don't think my hen got as bad off as yours is.... but she kept doing the squatting pose and you could see her tail feathers move when she'd try to push the egg out. Can you feel an egg in her? Her backside should feel squishy and not hard & rounded. Feel another hen if you can't tell the difference.

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