North Carolina

Good morning folks

RF.......would that be like keeping a light on at the
scene of the murder/crime
nope.......never knew
a firefly would light on......picturing little bugs waving lit up
butts in the air like they were at a concert.
I really
need more coffee
or sleep

hope everyone has a good day
Good Morning everyone! Managed to get a whole 2 hours of consecutive sleep last night...WOOT!! Busy day planned here as I have some Christmas sewing to start working on (especially since DD#1 picked out her Christmas dress pattern and I think a wedding dress would have been LESS complicated!!), bread to be made and another call in to Animal Control today.
I am not fond of animal control right now. They told me they will not do anything until I "spot" the predator and to call immediately once I see it. I am going to call again today to see if someone will come out and try to trap/capture it...if not, I have a farmer friend who has humane animal traps and has offered to stop over and set up a few...then I would just have to call AC once the traps are triggered. Until this one is captured, all birds/ducks are under lockdown!!
Once lockdown is over, I will be in the market for a nice Rooster to keep my girls company (can you believe it? someone LOOKING for a rooster) - with 3 kiddos though, I won't be able to travel very far (especially with a 2wk old that is eating every 1.5 hours), so please keep me in mind if you have something available and are relatively close to Johnston County! I'd hate for my girls to be rooster-less for too too long (they might forget what it's like to be harassed by one...LOL)
DH is working a crazy week this week, but the bonus is that we will be able to work on rearranging the chickens and coops - and he will be able to start working on the expansion!! We are planning to build another "coop" - this one will be an enclosed lean-to style to be used for goats in the future, but until then it will be our new broody box! Our old broody box will be refitted, redesigned and be utilized solely as a quarantine pen (especially since it is away from the other coops). Lots of building/work to be done...I am anxiously looking forward to it!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!
You know if while driving your car down the road at night, you hit a lighting bug/ firefly on your windshield, its body will glow till it dries in the wind as you keep driving. I have never hit one till last night, who knew?
RF, I have seen people do that intentionally. Well, not hit them with a car, but cut off their abdomen when it's lit and use the light for....something. I never understood why. For some people I think it's entertainment, but I don't think the firefly sees it that way!

NH, I think most of us have spare roosters. Probably more than one! Figure out what breed you'd like. I have extra Welsummers, Blue and Black Ameraucanas, and a couple Cuckoo Marans that are getting ready to go. I'll be willing to bet that Beth, RF, and CSB between them have at least a dozen more breeds, if not two dozen! And there are likely others that have more. I think doubleatraining has already trimmed her flock down, and may be the exception!

Levi got his first off-leash outing in nearly six weeks this morning. Less than ten minutes, but he enjoyed himself...until he decided to spook the chickens. That got him back on the leash!
RF, I have seen people do that intentionally. Well, not hit them with a car, but cut off their abdomen when it's lit and use the light for....something. I never understood why. For some people I think it's entertainment, but I don't think the firefly sees it that way!

NH, I think most of us have spare roosters. Probably more than one! Figure out what breed you'd like. I have extra Welsummers, Blue and Black Ameraucanas, and a couple Cuckoo Marans that are getting ready to go. I'll be willing to bet that Beth, RF, and CSB between them have at least a dozen more breeds, if not two dozen! And there are likely others that have more. I think doubleatraining has already trimmed her flock down, and may be the exception!

Levi got his first off-leash outing in nearly six weeks this morning. Less than ten minutes, but he enjoyed himself...until he decided to spook the chickens. That got him back on the leash!
you're right Hollow......we all have extras of most any breed between us all.
I have a few young OE cockrels and an extra lavender ameracana. I can dig
about out there and see what else there is, Add in Beth and RF and we can
get you just about anything.
Good to hear Levi got to play some and wear off a bit of energy.

SBrooks, this is one of my dark brahma hens. I've never seen one with a dark head like that and foot feathering is there when they hatch
nice birds Luke
you're right Hollow......we all have extras of most any breed between us all.
I have a few young OE cockrels and an extra lavender ameracana. I can dig
about out there and see what else there is, Add in Beth and RF and we can
get you just about anything.
Good to hear Levi got to play some and wear off a bit of energy.

nice birds Luke
Thanks! We're trying to breed true to standard and get little man to show when he gets big enough. Got a few more years of breeding to do but we've got a nice foundation.
Questuon about my Leghorn Lady that went missing last night. My DH looked for her for hours (I am out of state) and could not find her anywhere. Didnt find any sign of feathers... so I was hopeful she would come out this morning.

She did.

So my wise ol' DH decided to camp out in his chair close to roosting time tonight to see what she did. She flew way up in the tree to roost. He coaxed her down and put her up.

I don't really think roosting in the tree is the safest, how do we keep her from doing that?
A couple of options would be to
1. Clip her wings. She may still get in the trees, but only if you have low branches. Unfortunately from those she can hop up and still get pretty high.
2. If you have a fenced run, keep them in the run for a week or two and re-train her to use the coop.

There are a lot of predators that will get them if they are in the trees. Opossums especially will get them at night.

RF - very interesting about the fire flies... but I can't imagine intentionally cutting them apart like Hollow mentioned... ewwww. The other night we were out late and when I went to put the chickens up it was already dark. Our wood line had the most beautiful lightshow in progress. I love fire flies. We don't have them in WA where I grew up.

NH - yeah, there are a lot of us with roos to get rid of! LOL. I am waiting for the weather to cool off before I take them to auction and waiting for some to grow out. I have seen Hollow's roos and if you want any of the breeds she has you really won't go wrong with hers. I am sure that Beth, CSB (I have some of her lavender am's), and RF also have great birds too! All of them are as biosecurity paranoid as I am so you will get nice healthy birds.

Luke, your dark brahma is nice!

Hope I didn't forget anyone... fighting a headache today.
You know if while driving your car down the road at night, you hit a lighting bug/ firefly on your windshield, its body will glow till it dries in the wind as you keep driving. I have never hit one till last night, who knew?

You can also make cool glow earrings out of their glow stuff by smushing them and dappin on ur ear lobes....did this as a kid and showed my kids how...lolol...just saying

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