North Carolina

Well I certainly wouldn't mind adding more leghorns to the flock!

I've integrated a few pairs to the flock before, I really don't like adding the minimum number, I prefer adding 5 or more, things go a little more smoothly that way. I've read somewhere that chickens can recognize up to 100 different faces. So she would definitely notice since I only have 33. When I have more time I'm going to look for the guy you've mentioned, I have some questions. I can't really take any more in until spring as I don't have the space, so there's no rush in getting some, I just want to find a good breeder, or someone that has leghorns with strong blood lines. Thanks for your advice!
Yes, I would say more than the minimum might be needed if all 33 birds run together. I have read the same thing about them recognizing other birds. I know when I had 2 young turkeys and one past away during the night, that the other one sat on top of the dead one crying, and once I removed the body, he still acted sad for a while. I have had chickens do the same thing. Hopefully your girl will be alright.
Good morning everyone!! "Slow" day on the farm here. I'm really amazed at how fast my chicks seem to be growing. It may be because they are so close to the house that I see them more often, or because they are not under a mama, but I think they are getting bigger a lot faster than my non-meat birds?!?
For those of you who have had Freedom Rangers...any of you have yellow chicks that started feathering in white? I am just curious as to what this one might start to look like. I definitely have a bunch of what I think will end up being the multi-colored ones (not sure of actual colors here, sorry). In the past week, we have lost 2 - I think they wandered out of the coop before the "monsoon" and then couldn't find their way back in. Because of that, I was crawling around under our deck yesterday in the torrential downpour to "rescue" the chicks that were caught off guard in the rain. LOL, 5 minutes after they are safely in the coop, the rain stops and they are all back outside "playing" in the grass/dirt!! LOL. I ended up soaked to the bone for no reason at all...but still, better safe than sorry!!
I hope to be able to post photos soon!!
Good morning everyone!! "Slow" day on the farm here. I'm really amazed at how fast my chicks seem to be growing. It may be because they are so close to the house that I see them more often, or because they are not under a mama, but I think they are getting bigger a lot faster than my non-meat birds?!?
For those of you who have had Freedom Rangers...any of you have yellow chicks that started feathering in white? I am just curious as to what this one might start to look like. I definitely have a bunch of what I think will end up being the multi-colored ones (not sure of actual colors here, sorry). In the past week, we have lost 2 - I think they wandered out of the coop before the "monsoon" and then couldn't find their way back in. Because of that, I was crawling around under our deck yesterday in the torrential downpour to "rescue" the chicks that were caught off guard in the rain. LOL, 5 minutes after they are safely in the coop, the rain stops and they are all back outside "playing" in the grass/dirt!! LOL. I ended up soaked to the bone for no reason at all...but still, better safe than sorry!!
I hope to be able to post photos soon!!

From what I've seen most yellow chicks are white in any type of chicken. I don't think I had any pure yellow chicks in my order, though I split them with a friend I kept all the ones with the more unique patterns and colors. (I don't know why, it's probably going to be harder to process a cuter bird!!!). I have ones that look like Red Sex links (the white under feathers with reddish on top), Production reds I've seen (bright red with some black tips on the tails), a few that look just like Buff Brahmas without the feathered shanks, and a few tri-colors which look speckled.
I'm so sorry you lost some!!!
They start growing pretty quick, mine are 7 weeks old today (had to go look it up last night trying to pick a processing date) and they're the size of a normal chicken not a baby. Some of them are bigger than my turkey hens of the same age.

I can't wait to see photos of yours!!!!!
Because I promised photos!!

Cadbury, my handsome drake who is starting to darken!!
He's a favorite around here!!

Cadbury's ladies!! The "white" one is VERY shy and is at the bottom of the "pecking" order.

Our Freedom Rangers, 2 weeks old today!!

Another shot of the FR - if you look closely enough, you will see a few with white wing tips and one with white wings!! I sure hope that one grows out pretty!!
Ok, I'm going to lay this problem on here because I can find anywhere else that it would fit. Been having problems with my asthma to the point that I'm having to see a pulmonologist! Yesterday they ask me about animals that I come in contact with....a poodle in the house (hypoallergenic) and my chickens. I wear a mask when I clean out the small coop and when I'm adding a layer ofd sand or when I'm turning the sand in there. I do all of this so rarely because they keep it scratched around really well... I also use DE to mix with it and sprinkle a little in the bottom of the boxes in the cracks and crevices. My question is ... do any of you all have breathing problems or have you heard of anyone having problems due to you chickens? I'm getting scared that they are going to finally blame my chickens and yes its been going on about as long as I've had my ladies!! They are getting ready to do a CT scan of my larnyx area and also put the scope down there! I'm worried that they are going to tell me I need to get rid of my chickens.
Ok, I'm going to lay this problem on here because I can find anywhere else that it would fit. Been having problems with my asthma to the point that I'm having to see a pulmonologist! Yesterday they ask me about animals that I come in contact with....a poodle in the house (hypoallergenic) and my chickens. I wear a mask when I clean out the small coop and when I'm adding a layer ofd sand or when I'm turning the sand in there. I do all of this so rarely because they keep it scratched around really well... I also use DE to mix with it and sprinkle a little in the bottom of the boxes in the cracks and crevices. My question is ... do any of you all have breathing problems or have you heard of anyone having problems due to you chickens? I'm getting scared that they are going to finally blame my chickens and yes its been going on about as long as I've had my ladies!! They are getting ready to do a CT scan of my larnyx area and also put the scope down there! I'm worried that they are going to tell me I need to get rid of my chickens.
Sorry to hear this...and YES, I have heard numerous people allergic to their chickens. It is their dander.
Ok, I'm going to lay this problem on here because I can find anywhere else that it would fit. Been having problems with my asthma to the point that I'm having to see a pulmonologist! Yesterday they ask me about animals that I come in contact with....a poodle in the house (hypoallergenic) and my chickens. I wear a mask when I clean out the small coop and when I'm adding a layer ofd sand or when I'm turning the sand in there. I do all of this so rarely because they keep it scratched around really well... I also use DE to mix with it and sprinkle a little in the bottom of the boxes in the cracks and crevices. My question is ... do any of you all have breathing problems or have you heard of anyone having problems due to you chickens? I'm getting scared that they are going to finally blame my chickens and yes its been going on about as long as I've had my ladies!! They are getting ready to do a CT scan of my larnyx area and also put the scope down there! I'm worried that they are going to tell me I need to get rid of my chickens.

I'm so sorry!
My mother thinks our chickens are making us sick.
My kids have stuffy noses and conjestion a lot.
We've been sick I guess more than "normal" with different things since we've gotten them.
Personally, I don't think with my chickens there is a connection to it, though every time one of my kids gets sick my mother is convinced it's bird flu!!!
I have heard of others having breathing problems from them though. I really hope you start feeling better and don't have to get rid of them :(
Ok, I'm going to lay this problem on here because I can find anywhere else that it would fit. Been having problems with my asthma to the point that I'm having to see a pulmonologist! Yesterday they ask me about animals that I come in contact with....a poodle in the house (hypoallergenic) and my chickens. I wear a mask when I clean out the small coop and when I'm adding a layer ofd sand or when I'm turning the sand in there. I do all of this so rarely because they keep it scratched around really well... I also use DE to mix with it and sprinkle a little in the bottom of the boxes in the cracks and crevices. My question is ... do any of you all have breathing problems or have you heard of anyone having problems due to you chickens? I'm getting scared that they are going to finally blame my chickens and yes its been going on about as long as I've had my ladies!! They are getting ready to do a CT scan of my larnyx area and also put the scope down there! I'm worried that they are going to tell me I need to get rid of my chickens.

I'm just going to throw this out there because I've found a lot of my chronic health problems lessen or go away completely by changing what I eat. Just one of them was chronic upper respiratory infections (I'd get them once a month!) and many other issues because of wheat. Since I've stopped eating wheat and other things that contain gluten (barley, rye) I've felt great! Here's a really good informative link. You can request to get tested to see if you have developed a wheat allergy, or intolerance. I knew gluten caused some problems, but had no idea that it can be the root cause to a myriad of chronic issues.

Here's the article that talks about testing
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Yes, I would say more than the minimum might be needed if all 33 birds run together. I have read the same thing about them recognizing other birds. I know when I had 2 young turkeys and one past away during the night, that the other one sat on top of the dead one crying, and once I removed the body, he still acted sad for a while. I have had chickens do the same thing. Hopefully your girl will be alright.

When we had to put down our internal layer the hens normally walk around the yard clucking but once we did the deed, they froze up and even the wild birds stopped chirping. Birds are capable of feeling happiness and grief. I made a cucumber trellis for my garden late winter and the chickens turned it into a hangout. LOL they really have an appreciation for architecture too. Just my observations.

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