North Carolina

This is my Jersey not my IQ !!!!
Good morning folks

another week burned and gone.........they seem to
start out at the slowest crawl and then speed by at
the sound of is mid November already.....
Christmas is but a breath away and those dang
lights still aren't done

hope everyone has a good Friday
Good morning everyone :frow been a long week for me and it ain't over yet.... :th heading to the vet this morning with my great dane rottie mix, his stomach has been really upset for about 3 days, he has barely been eating, but last night he wouldn't drink anything so off to the vet we go. still haven't had time to winterize me coop and I feel so bad about that, but there is a heat light strung up so it's atleast keeping it about 10-15 degrees warmer in their, just need to cover the main window and lay down bedding.
hope you all are having a good day/week.
I can't picture what you are talking about.  Wire?  How do they drink?
That sounds like a good idea!
We have an abundance of milk containers since we go through a gallon a day!

I am visualy lost too :idunno

Go on the inside of your pen cut the handle of the jug near the bottom of the handle where it meets the jug (handle is still on the jug, top part is not cut) then bend over and slide a part of the wire through the bottom of the handle where you cut it. This makes it so the handle hangs onto the wire and the birds can not knock it over or move it around the pen. The birds drink through the hole you put in the front of the jug (opposite of the handle). The whole jug is in the pen, but with a hose you can add water to them from the outside of the pen (this is why you remove the lids). I use an old soup can to add warm water in the winter after I remove the ice (I get the warm water in a 5 gallon bucket from the bath tub). If the jug needs rinsed out you just spin the jug upside down using the handle from the outside of the pen.

hope this helps
'' thats the idea but the hole is big enough for the roosters comb to also fit in without getting caught so the top of the hole goes higher up towards the top of the jug
So I went on one of the many fodder threads on BYC and asked if anyone knew where to get seed for fodder in NC. This is the response I got. Some of the links are pretty awesome sources for more than just seed. Thought I'd pass it on for those looking for seed sources. The first one also has some excellent hay, livestock, land, equipment etc. sources.

Originally Posted by Bear Foot Farm

Try checking the classified ads here
Sometimes they will have listings:

Also check this thread:
Thanks Lady... how are All of your chicks doing since the incident? Hopefully they are all back to normal.

Thanks for all the info. Went to SS today and got some wheat that is supposed to be untreated...haven't really looked yet still in van since went to Storytime afterward and nap time has hit. Will have to look later.

Gotta look for where else we can get some stuff...I will call around and if I find anything I will let everyone know.

Have a great weekend!

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