North Carolina

VERY pretty hens! what type! ill look into them!

I have 5 birds.....1 of which sleeps on a roost...the others including my roos in a nesting box. normally people expect all chickens to roost at night, but some chickens don't really prefer it. for example, my silkies DONT roost. not many silkies do. their 5 toes makes it unconfertable to balance, and with no flight feathers, it doesn't do them any good!

its fine if they don't end up roosting....none of my 6 previous astralorps ever rroosted in their coop!

All 8 of my silkies (5 of which are boys) roost. One of my girls is terribly smitten with my SLW (aptly named) Jumbo. There've been a few times I've found her under him on the roost at night. Heh.
Pretty Mary

so pretty........congrats
if I had known you were going to WCA I would have come to visit.


Thanks... we love them. They are pretty friendly...
We have been wanting a pair for awhile now.
Coop... it wasn't a planned trip. We just got up and decided to go to the WCA.
Thanks... we love them. They are pretty friendly...
We have been wanting a pair for awhile now.
Coop... it wasn't a planned trip. We just got up and decided to go to the WCA.
TikiJane............I love did good! Where did you go to get them.... I have a couple of people who are going to be helping me build another good size coop! I want to be careful about what I get but would like to know about swaps in our area. How do I start finding out about them?
Good morning folks

What an interesting day we are promised...........or at
least a "chance" for an interesting day. The weather folks
are promising a "chance" for this and a "chance" for that
but aren't all that sure who will get the snow. I'd much
rather have snow than ice or freezing rain. One thing I
know is dress warm for the next few days.

hope everyone has a good day

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