North Carolina

I do love the rain but I am worried about the wind... It says we could have power outages from falling trees and branches. Not good for my incubator!! Guess I'll go fill up the car with gasoline so I can hopefully up the incubator to my car in the event of an outage. So glad I will be home most of the day.
I only drill one hole, and I wing it. Some end up not centered, but they won't be hung up.

NPIP testing got done this morning. Pullorum is done on the spot. AI results take two weeks. Turns out I have 84 birds. Not too bad. I asked a bunch of questions, although I know I will think of more.

1. Unlike many states, NC does not allow people to take a class on testing and collect their own samples.
2. Every bird is tested annually for Pullorum. AI testing is quarterly and when Pullorum is not being done they just test 15 random birds.
3. NC does not require the extensive records that some states do. For in-state, you just give a buyer your NPIP number and that's it.
4. Next time I will find out what size needle they use and provide them. They used the same needle on every bird, which is horrible technique.
5. The time they said they would come is not the time they will actually come. They were an hour early.
Good to know!
Looks like continuous rain all day. Think I'll pull out the sewing machine for the day.
Here is a glass half full for you. I thought to myself this morning, All this rain is going to make my chicken coops a muddy mess." It did of course. What I have noticed is (glass half full part), The week to ten day caked up chicken poop, becomes mush. With a flat shovel, early tomorrow morning, it makes pretty easy poop clean up. I just take a flat shovel and skim the top of the ground and plop it into the wheel barrel and off the the compost pile I go. Its sad when you get exited that poop clean up will be easy this weekend!
my little coop ( actually a 2 room 2 story rabbit hutch) BLEW OVER IN THE MESS!! i looked out the kitchen window as i was getting my coffee and it was on the ground.. i just thought please dont let my little chickens and tylers bunny be dead.. i get out there..they were ok , soaked and scared but ok ..i couldnt pick it up DH already at work so i left them there ( they were safe) to a few min later see a bunny hopping around the back yard.. geez.. luckily the rabbit is pretty tame and came right to me..DH came home and they are all right side up this rain and cold can go on somewhere ! im sick of it !

great now as im typing this ..flood warning..
Hooray!  After 15 hours without power I'm up and running again.  :ya

There is major tree damage throughout the area  
I love electricity.:bow  

I am so thankful to have gotten through the weather without any outage! Power blinked a couple of times this morning but stayed on. :)
Should be warm and clear skies at least for the next 5 days so you can bet I will be out in the garden. :)

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