North Carolina

hey group been a while!! I have been busy at work... I have eggs in the bator and more waiting to go in! just wanted to stop by and say hey!
hey group been a while!! I have been busy at work... I have eggs in the bator and more waiting to go in! just wanted to stop by and say hey!
My oh has been a long time!!!!
Good to see you again and hope things are
going good for you. What breed do you have
in the bator????
Hey its good to be back... I have wellsummers wellsummer over super blue and well summer over blue copper Marian also well summer over frizzle
my little coop ( actually a 2 room 2 story rabbit hutch) BLEW OVER IN THE MESS!! i looked out the kitchen window as i was getting my coffee and it was on the ground.. i just thought please dont let my little chickens and tylers bunny be dead.. i get out there..they were ok , soaked and scared but ok ..i couldnt pick it up DH already at work so i left them there ( they were safe) to a few min later see a bunny hopping around the back yard.. geez.. luckily the rabbit is pretty tame and came right to me..DH came home and they are all right side up this rain and cold can go on somewhere ! im sick of it !

great now as im typing this ..flood warning..
Good Luck with that! Its a beautiful day today so time to clean up from all the nasty weather!
Lovely sunny day! Today I am cleaning out and defrosting four freezers. One is done...mostly. But it's one of the little ones; the one on the fridge in the house. Then one on the fridge in the shop. Then the two big chest freezers. Gotta make room for two cows which come back Wednesday! Actually, 1 1/2 cows, as half will go to a new home immediately. And a whole one goes away on the weekend. But I still have to make room to keep them all here for a few days. Lots of work. But I'll do an inventory of what meat is out there while I'm at it, and remove a few science experiments. And we can plan what goes in the freezer this year much better.

Interestingly enough, Hubby is interested in repeating the cows in alternate years. So depending on what my freezer tally is, we may decide to alternate lambs with beef. I think I still want to give the ground a rest this year, though.

Started collecting eggs for the incubator as soon as the NPiP was done. i'll have Buff Orpingtons, Golden Cuckoo Marans, and Olive Eggers going in soon. The OEs will be blue and Black Ameraucanas, plus my assorted EEs, covered by the GCM roos. Should be interesting colors of birds. As soon as we find someone who does rough cut lumber, the first of the two chicken houses will get finished, and I can get my Welsummers and English Orps separated for breeding, too. Need to get on it!

Enjoy this great day. I'm getting back to work!
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If anyone close by is looking for some Leghorn chicks (all sexed pullets) I have 10 available. I have 13 and only need 2 or 3.
A BYC'er can have them for $2 a piece, no minimum. I can't travel though, so you have to be close by.
Thought I'd let you know before I put them on craigslist...

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If anyone close by is looking for some Leghorn chicks (all sexed pullets) I have 10 available. I have 13 and only need 2 or 3. A BYC'er can have them for $2 a piece, no minimum. I can't travel though, so you have to be close by. Thought I'd let you know before I put them on craigslist... Where are you located? I'm in Dobson Kenneth

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