North Carolina

Good afternoon everyone!! Weird story, this morning whe. I woke up from school I looked on my front porch and a Barred Rock (standard) cockeral was there, it isn't mine! And he's still there in the same spot lol.
So, wich one of the neighbors are missing a roo-roo? If mine free-range out far enough, there is a point where they can here the clucks and crows from the neighbors runs better than from mine. I have to over about once, or twice a year when somone disapears to see if the old timer picked it up and put it in.
He is waiting at your front door to go in, and get some vittles.
It was so good to meet so many of you at the East Fayetteville Flock Swap this weekend. It is always nice to put a face with a screename.

Hope to link up again soon!!
It was good to meet you too......wish we could have chatted more.

Yes, I did and we had a BLAST. I'll have another one towards the end of May. :)
I hate I had to miss that one but the school system decided
we needed to make-up a snow day that time
I'm coming to hang out!!!! glad your bird is looking better. I hope he continues
to get better.
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Done, you're right down the road from me! Are you staying in Franklinton? Good luck moving, sounds like quite the haul!
Yes, I'll be staying in the Franklinton area. You are right around the corner from me.

It was good to meet you too......wish we could have chatted more.

I hate I had to miss that one but the school system decided
we needed to make-up a snow day that time
I'm coming to hang out!!!! glad your bird is looking better. I hope he continues
to get better.

You better come hang out next time! LOL

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