North Carolina

Yes, I'll be staying in the Franklinton area. You are right around the corner from me.

You better come hang out next time! LOL
I was SOOOOOOOO ticked I had to work.

Will be there next time for sure!!!!!
Hey all, been so busy that I've not had a chance to jump on here.

My EE mixed pullets are just now starting to lay (about 5 months old). I love seeing the new colors!

Thinking about buying some meat breeds to breed and raise some meaties for our freezer.

On the subject of DE, I sprinkle a little in my coops, under bedding and in nesting boxes, under bedding, about once a month. I also mix it into the feed and scratch grains ever since I got a huge grain mite infestation last spring. It keeps the grain mites away and if it helps keep down internal parasites, then great! They have not had lice or mite problems at all with me doing the DE in the coops. I also mixed it in my dogs food when I had her, 2 TBS per meal for a 50# dog. When I started doing it, she had internal parasites (worms), after giving her the DE twice a day for 30 days, no more worms, so I'd say it worked on internal parasites through ingesting. It does take at least 30 days to work though.

Hope you all had a good weekend/day!
I've posted ads for about a year now with no responses so I figured I'd ask on here I'm looking for some local help see I have four huge pecan trees and three huge oaks next to the house making me uneasy when it storms so I'd like to cut them way back oak would be good firewood and pecan either firewood or smokehouse wood I also have a pile of dry applewood too you cut it you keep it ill help too
I just gave him like 3 drops mixed with a little water to squirt n his mouth. I used a baby bottle to measure out 3 drops. He was still seemingly cheerful when I went to give it to him. I hope I made the right decision
I really hope it doesn't hurt him even if that ain't what's wrong with him. I hate to think he was getting better and I somehow just made it worse all over again. :( someone reassure me please!

Can somebody tell me how much of this to give to my rooster? I don't have a flippin dropper just a syringe that reads 3ml

I use this to deworm my chickens, cats and dog. I have read between 1-3ml for chickens. I gave a chicken 3ml in one dose out of desperation once and she survived just fine. I have read fenbendazole is hard to overdose because it is not really absorbed into the blood stream but passed through the digestive system only. I would probably give her 1ml doses for 3 days looking back on it but good to know it didn't hurt her :)
Also there are no known withdrawal times but fenbendazole is legally given to turkey's and it says you can administer up to the day of slaughter. So I've never observed withdrawal. :) also worth noting that it is completely out of the system in 36-48 hours.
Hope your chook continues to improve! :)
Good morning folks

Looks like I get to enjoy another day on this side of
the grass.......not that I'm really all that old or anything.

How late into the year does anyone go to the swaps?
I will stop once the heat gets high......I may or may not
go next month but I tend to quit for the summer months
and don't go back until the cooler fall months. Just too
hard on the birds.

hope everyone has a good day
I won't be doing any real selling or hatching this season. If I do, it will only be a small amout for close friends, or my fard. I sold most of the birds off in the fall-winter season. Now I have a lot less mouths to feed. I am getting enough eggs to eat, and even to take a few of the pure Am, Sumatra, and Silkies eggs for friends to do hatching projects.

ramirezframing, I still have the roo that I got from you. He has grow into a beautiful boy. The pair has been kept together. I have two extra roos from the Fall of theirs, and one is like a baby, he was handled more by DS1. He was low man on the totem pole, and had to be separated to eat for a while to put weight on him. This made him much more tame than the sibling that is about 3-6 weeks older.

Coop Scoop Boogie, Even if I did breed, and hatch this year, I would do like last year and do less, or take a summer break. You are spot on; it is too hard on the fowl to put them through it. I cry FOWL!!!!

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