North Carolina

Welcome to the new folks!

CoopScoop, you are hilarious!

I think I have a hen trying to prolapse. Ugh. Not something I want to deal with. Also had to drop one of the mastiffs off at the vet this morning (Reilly) after being up with him all night. He hurts to touch, his back end is weak (he's the one that already had knee surgery) and I'm afraid he's injured his back. Thankfully, our vet is also certified in veterinary chiropractic so she'll give his spine a good check-out, as well as looking for other causes. If he's developed spinal problems, though, that's going to be bad. He's not huge as mastiffs go at 170 pounds, but he's still too big to carry in and out for potty breaks, or to use a cart. So I'm looking at some vet bills for dog and maybe chicken...although we'll probably put the hen down if she's prolapsing.
Sorry to hear about Reilly, hope it's nothing too serious and good luck with the hen.
What kind of breeds are "black sexed chicks"? I know that one way to tell the cockrels is the light spot on their heads.. but what breeds do they usually come from? Any idea?

JUST read an article about's down several headers...

ETA, well dang, I reread the article and realized it addressed all the sexlink crosses EXCEPT black. So...there's this:
Common Black Sexlink Crosses

Black sexlinks are the result of crossing a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire Red rooster over Barred Plymouth Rock females. Both sexes hatch out black, but the males have a white dot on their heads. Pullets feather out black with some red in neck feathers. Males feather out with the Barred Rock pattern along with a few red feathers. Black Sexlinks are often referred to as Rock Reds. "
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Good morning folks

I hear from the Weatherman that Mother Nature has
plans of turning on the sprinkler system today. That is
probably a good idea, then I won't need to water the
garden and all. Now if I could just the weeds gone........

hope everyone has a good day
Question: For those who sometimes sell eggs....

The average for a dozen fresh chicken eggs when seller provides a carton seems to be about $2.50

What about quail eggs & duck eggs???
I've only seen one person selling duck eggs & it was $5, never seen anyone with quail. Not that we get enough to sell them, but if someone wanted them I was curious what the average price for them seemed to be?

Thanks! Hope everyone is enjoying this warm weather! SO much to get done in my house, but I can't help but be outside!

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