North Carolina

Heyyyyyy there everyone! It has been a long while since I have been on here.

Last I was here I had just found out I was pregnant with twins! Fast forward 11 months and we have two healthy little boys! We had a rough start with some time at the NICU, but we are all happy & healthy at home now.

Anyway - I have a question: a friend of mine has an injured hen. She was free ranging today and got startled - she thinks she has a hurt hip. Any advice?
"Your possible Speckled Sussex could also be a possible Easter Egger.
My speckled Sussex have always been darker as chicks but different parentage can yield different colored chicks!"

You could be right. I ordered 2 Ee's and 2 Sussex. There are two that look like the one in the pic. The other one has same sort of pattern but a darker head. The two I think are Ee's are more stripey than spotted like the one in the pic.



I hope the rest of the chicks are fine and it was just the heat thing. Hate to lose the one, and def. don't want to lose any more.

Silver Laced Polish

Light Brahma

Gold Laced Polish

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Heyyyyyy there everyone! It has been a long while since I have been on here.

Last I was here I had just found out I was pregnant with twins! Fast forward 11 months and we have two healthy little boys! We had a rough start with some time at the NICU, but we are all happy & healthy at home now.

Anyway - I have a question: a friend of mine has an injured hen. She was free ranging today and got startled - she thinks she has a hurt hip. Any advice?
Congrats on the twins. Glad to hear that all of you are home and doing well.

Tell your friend to check the hen over very well for any puncture holes. She might want to keep her by her self in a little dog kennel or something of the like so she can't be bothered by the other birds and can't move around much. Good luck with her.
Hey Everyone! I just read through 20 some odd pages trying to get caught up. Sorry to all those that have had losses, and congrats to those have hatched! Well wishes for everything else in between.

Just to recap, I started with 4 RIR, lost one to what seemed to be a heart attack or something at a few weeks. Replaced that one with a BR bought a supply store as a female. 2 weeks ago I lost another RIR, 9 weeks old...which just didn't seem right from the start, it always did this weird head shaking thing. I haven't replaced that one yet.

So, yesterday, I sent pics of my last 2 RIR to the lady at the farm I got them from so she could sex them for me. They are now 11 weeks old, and she said they are roos. I have become particularly attached to these two, but if they are Roos, they have to go. What do you think?

Pretty sure I see the shine of heckle feathers starting to come out. Could you get a side shot of each. I'm with the breeder of these birds, at just under 3 months old, those are looking like roosters. Sorry

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