North Carolina

[COLOR=008000]Good morning folks   [/COLOR] :frow

[COLOR=008000]One of the things I love about this season is how people are[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]during it. They become happy, friendly, helpful and giving.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]Folks become festive. I like this side of people......just wish[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]it didn't take a holiday to bring that out of them and that they[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]would be this way all year long. [/COLOR] :rolleyes:

[COLOR=008000]hope everyone has a good day  [/COLOR] :weee
I'm the other way around. I'm happy and friendly all the rest of the year...but the holidays wipe me out. I have no energy left to be nice. I just am.
I have to give the crossing guard at the school a big thumbs up. All week she has been dressed up a little bit, antlers, a blinking nose, and so. Today, she was dressed as Santa along with her yellow vest and stop sign. Love the little things that make my kids and me smile.
Merry Christmas!

Just poking my head in to say Hi. Its been a while for me too just like Tammy. I read a few pages back and didn't see any chicken tragedies so that's good. Hey Meg, Matt, Ramierez, Coop Scoop & Tammy along with anyone I am forgetting. Wish all you guys and gals a happy holiday and a great new year. I'm hoping for a great upcoming season of hatching chicks and raising birds and Im sure ya'll are too. I hope this mild winter stays like this but January thru March will be the true winter for us so Im keeping my fingers crossed. Well anyway, let me go back to work...Talk later....

Merry Christmas!

Just poking my head in to say Hi. Its been a while for me too just like Tammy. I read a few pages back and didn't see any chicken tragedies so that's good. Hey Meg, Matt, Ramierez, Coop Scoop & Tammy along with anyone I am forgetting. Wish all you guys and gals a happy holiday and a great new year. I'm hoping for a great upcoming season of hatching chicks and raising birds and Im sure ya'll are too. I hope this mild winter stays like this but January thru March will be the true winter for us so Im keeping my fingers crossed. Well anyway, let me go back to work...Talk later....

Merry Christmas to you as well.
Well, I must say the school was VERY eager to get rid of the kids. On top of the 2 hour early release, they were bringing kids out to the cars a full 30 minutes early. Must have one heck of a Christmas party that they can't wait to get started
Does anyone in my area (Statesville, NC, about 45 minutes north of Charlotte) have any button quails for sale? One of my pair died recently and I'd like to get the survivor some company. Thanks!
Merry Christmas!

Just poking my head in to say Hi. Its been a while for me too just like Tammy. I read a few pages back and didn't see any chicken tragedies so that's good. Hey Meg, Matt, Ramierez, Coop Scoop & Tammy along with anyone I am forgetting. Wish all you guys and gals a happy holiday and a great new year. I'm hoping for a great upcoming season of hatching chicks and raising birds and Im sure ya'll are too. I hope this mild winter stays like this but January thru March will be the true winter for us so Im keeping my fingers crossed. Well anyway, let me go back to work...Talk later....


Jeremy!! Nice to see you here again! Hope you have a great hatching season this coming year. Have a great holiday, then start prepping to hatch!

It too late I'm addicted and I love BYC great group and very friendly. I am a true animal lover I get such a kick out of watching the way they interact, been trying to get the dogs a job at least the chickens give us eggs....LOL

I have always been a dog lover and have saved and or re-homed so many over the years. Now that I am settled and have room I have to pace my self before I wind up on TV as an animal hoarder....I know the neighbors already talk about me. That ok I know I am doing what I was put on this Earth for. Just wish my budget was as large as my heart.

To all I wish a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year

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