North Carolina

I'm not seeing a difference in the door as far as 1x4s and 1x6s. Can you tell me which one is where?
I LOVE the idea of sandwiching the hardware cloth. I had just planned to screw mine to my door frame (like I'll do with the coop run walls). But I think having it enclosed will keep me safe from accidentally snagging it on my way in/out. :)

It's at the bottom. It's the toe plate. The sides top and middle are 1x4 and the bottom one is a 1x 6. Sorry didn't get it in the photo.yeah just putting it on one side i thought it would be easy for something to get in and sandwiching keeps it tight and harder to push it in
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Got the door built. used 1x4's & 1x6's 1/2 hardware cloth and lots of brackets.

Made one door then laid the hardware cloth down and made another door just like it and sandwich it all together with 1 5/8 screws. It's very strong and critter proof. Going to go buy some plexiglass and make insets for it for bad weather and remove them in spring and summer for draft.

I built mine while not knowing ANYTHING about building ANYTHING. Of course I had to build it 2x to get a decent one. It has 2 layers of hardware wire, corner brackets, etc,,,etc.. but it is level and I don't think a bear could get thru..LOL
Okay, that makes sense now. You'd want it bigger so you aren't kicking the hardware cloth accidentally, right?

That's right. Like when you got your hands full with bedding,feed,water know how it is doing chores
That's right. Like when you got your hands full with bedding,feed,water know how it is doing chores

Yeah, I don't think that'll happen at my farm. I won't be able to approach my coop doors without at least one hand free, since I'm going to have a very complex lock (yet to be determined), to keep out the worst hazard of all: a fearless four year old with no regard for rules! She can literally climb our 6' dog kennel fencing to get in and out of the kennel- just to say "hi " to our dogs. I'm going to have to figure out a way to lock the doors without making it impossible for me to open them day-to-day. I've also added a corrugated plastic roof to my run plans so she isn't tempted to climb in... ;)
Yeah it seems like chicken prices will be going up every year. I've some prices for Marans in the $6 to $10 dollar range, day olds. And don't even look at the ayem cemani or svart hona chickens, the lowest price for a day old chick was $50 each. And for eggs $25 each egg.

Our local middle man hatchery gets between $5-$7 per day old. Svart Hona. I'd love a pair of those to strut around the yard! I'm doing some day olds from Whitmore Farm and plan to hatch my own eggs going forward.
Our local middle man hatchery gets between $5-$7 per day old.  Svart Hona.  I'd love a pair of those to strut around the yard!  I'm doing some day olds from Whitmore Farm and plan to hatch my own eggs going forward.  

Can someone explain the appeal of Svart Honas? I see them going on the auction page for $80, seeing single eggs for $15-25, chicks for $50... Are they just rare because they are imports or is there a certain allure about them?
Can someone explain the appeal of Svart Honas? I see them going on the auction page for $80, seeing single eggs for $15-25, chicks for $50... Are they just rare because they are imports or is there a certain allure about them?

They are solid black. Feathers, skin, meat, bones, everything. They are the most interesting looking creatures, and I've read that the meat is quite the delicacy. Most likely because it's black. Oh! I can feel my nose lifting up into the snooty position just talking about it!
They are solid black.  Feathers, skin, meat, bones, everything.  They are the most interesting looking creatures, and I've read that the meat is quite the delicacy.  Most likely because it's black.  Oh!  I can feel my nose lifting up into the snooty position just talking about it!  :lau

I'd personally settle for a black silkie... ;)
Although I don't think their meat is black, just the skin?

To each their own, I guess!
My "snooty" purchase will be peacocks... But that won't be for another year or two. :)

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