North Carolina

"Southern Hospitality Show"
Presented by the Carolina Feather Fanciers Association

Location: Guilford County Cooperative Extension Service, Arena Building, 3309 Burlington Road, 

Greensboro, N C 

April 11, 2015

I hope to meet some of you there! I will be showing my (from @ramirezframing
 ) silver Lakenvelders. I'm sure this will be a great learning experience for me :th  and the birds (it's gotta be easier (maybe just different) than showing horses right?!?!) any advice for the newbie would be very much appreciated! 
My kids and I will see you there! Good luck!:)
Good morning folks

It is so nice that the weather has finally settled and it isn't
so cold anymore, even during the nights We will be moving
to brooding any chicks to outside on the ground now. They
do so much better there. This good as I am hoping for some
ducklings to hatch soon and really don't want to brood them
inside......messy messy messy.

hope everyone has a good day
I was just in TSC getting feed and they had 2 things of chicks. Straight Run Red Sex Links for $1.99 (you could pick which chicks you wanted) and Red Sex Link pullets for $2.99.
I thought to myself, this is a terrible idea. You're never going to sell the ones for $1 more and you're going to be stuck with like 50 RSL cockerels no one wants.

Apparently I was wrong, while I was there multiple people bought the $2.99 pullets and someone picking out the straight run chicks were choosing all the white ones.
Good morning folks

It is so nice that the weather has finally settled and it isn't
so cold anymore, even during the nights We will be moving
to brooding any chicks to outside on the ground now. They
do so much better there. This good as I am hoping for some
ducklings to hatch soon and really don't want to brood them
inside......messy messy messy.

hope everyone has a good day

Do you still give them a heat lamp? How old until you'll let them be outside without a heat lamp?
Mine are all still in a bathtub downstairs with the lamp. I guess mine are about 4 weeks when I put them outside, but it would be nice if they could go out earlier.
I guess not.
Don't get me wrong, when I started out I knew absolutely nothing about chickens at all. I didn't know breeds, combs, what color eggs were laid (or that blue and green eggs were even possible!).
But I figured most the people who would be in Tractor Supply buying chicks would know more than I did.

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