North Carolina

Good morning folks and welcome to the new members

We had a pleasant weekend here in spite of the rain. The rain for the most
part was a gentle easy rain.....the kind that soaks in more and not so much
runs off. It will soak in nice and deep and that is good. We did get spells of
sunshine too so I was able to get the lawn mowed....well at least the front part.
Still need to work on a garden.

hope everyone has a good day
My Easter Egger hen is gone and I'm completely baffled.
There's no feathers, sign of predator, anything. She's just not here.
I checked all the adjacent neighbors' yards and no sign of her there either. They all have dogs but there should at least be feathers or something if they got ahold of her.
Checked anywhere that could potentially be a hiding spot, but she's not here.
I've never had a chicken just disappear on me before.
Seems that I have just come into some Coturnix Quail hatching eggs... if anyone is interested! My aunt got a little crazy and got roughly 60 of them for me (I wanted like 6 to 12)... and my incubator won't hold all of them (it hold 24 or 32 regular eggs i think- my brain is a little scrambled from all the drama lately)! So I'll have a few extra dozen hatching eggs if you're interested!!

In the Randleman/GSO area... local pick up only.

Just let me know!

Oh, does anyone know anything about incubating quail? or raising them? yep... still wingin' this...
Just finished chasing off a fox trying to get my two bantam chickens. Jerk. They are in a large bird cage. It's pretty heavy duty and has only 1 opening. I moved them to the porch. Do y'all think he'll be back tonight?
Those things can get a bird from a cage with one inch openings. Chickens. Huddle together in a corner and that's when they take advantage. Only way is to kill it or it will keep coming back night after night
Good morning folks

Sorry to hear a fox has moved in sbrooks. It will be difficult to move
the fox on.....especially if its a vixen with a litter. Getting a dog to guard
your yard is the easiest way to keep them at bay. They are a beautiful
animal but can be a bother too when it comes to chickens.

hope everyone has a good day

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