North Carolina

Just finished chasing off a fox trying to get my two bantam chickens. Jerk. They are in a large bird cage. It's pretty heavy duty and has only 1 opening. I moved them to the porch. Do y'all think he'll be back tonight?

If fox is not back tonight, it will be back another night, it knows an easy meal when it sees one.

I'm not so down with killing off the locals, my approach is to beef up bird security and add some predator control. For me, secure coops and dog patrol. If you kill off the fox, someone else will just move in and take its place. No sense in killing off all of the local predators, they definitely serve a purpose. For me, death from above is a lot worse than the ground crew. Red tails love Cayuga....mmph.
My trouble with preditors is also the hawks. I can not free range so I furnish a 1000 sq. foot covered run but it still is like a desert to them. No grass no nothing. Here we call them red tailed darters.
My seventh hatch ever yielded my first 100% hatch rate! Eight out of eight lavender/split Ameraucana hatched (from my own flock). :)
With my previous hatches ranging from 20% to 83%, I'm super happy about this one!
Good morning folks and welcome to the new ones

We too try to relocate snakes and wildlife that insist the hens are
a free smorgasbord. We also try to have good pens that most
predators won't get into but a good dog is worth it's feed bill when
deterring many predators. I know ramirezframing had a young
dog free to a good home that is good around chickens if anyone
is looking for one.

hope everyone has a good day
Welcome to the new folks!!

We do chickens!

Actually, I think we have a huge variety of off-farm employment in this group. Very diverse, which is something I love about it. We have stay-at-home moms (and dads, I think), self-employed folk, several of us work in the education system (which is where CSB and I are, in different jobs). At least one EMT. There are even a few who actually make a living on-farm. Would love to do that, but I also love my "regular" job. Would be hard to give it up!

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